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(Author's P.O.V):They all said he's ruthless they all said he's cold,they all said he's fearless,
they all said he's intimidating,they all said he's heartless but guess what he doesn't give a fuck because he's no other than Jay Park.

The Korean American mafia originally all the way from Seattle Washington,but rules all of California under the palm of his hands no one dared to try to challenge his title well that is some people of course.

???:"You still not gonna talk bro?!He asked beating the guy one last time."

???2:Don't worry Cha Cha Jay will be out soon and he'll take care of this mother fucker.

Cha Cha:Well he better come out soon cause I'm losing my patience dealing with this fool.

???3:Yeah no one can do this shit better than Jay.

Jay:"Well y'all don't have to wait no more cause I'm already here,he said from a far."

And there he was walking into the dark room with a cold serious emotional less gaze,Jay is a short and statured muscular guy standing at just 5 foot 7 it took him years to build his reputation and prove himself worthy to be taken seriously but it was all worth it.

He stood in front of the unknown man,and stared darkly at him into his soul letting him know that he means business.

Jay:So I heard you was brought here to spy on me and my crew who sent you?

Man:"I can't tell you anything,he said with visible fear in his voice."

Jay:Nah you can tell and you're gonna tell me or else you know exactly how I get down,so unless you don't wanna die you better start talking.

Man:I told you I won't tell you any-

He was cut off by letting out a loud scream after getting hit in the knees with a metal baseball bat,he screamed repeatedly in agony getting hit on the same knee over and over again.

Jay:Come on make this easy for yourself who do you work for?!

Man:I can't-

He was cut off again with another hit to
the other knee nothing but the sound of screams,metal,and broken bones can be
heard in the room.

Jay wasn't gonna give up until he got his answers,he finally stopped hitting the guy
and put down his bat that was now covered in blood along with the floor.

Jay:You know what I got a better way to get you to talk,so I took the deliberant of doing a background check on you and this is what I found Hoody give me the file!

Hoody:"Here you go Jay,she said handing him the file."

Jay:Alright now let's see you're not married, you don't have any kids,your place of business is unknown,and you have a fine ass girlfriend may I add.

And it says here her name is Olivia nice name,but this might be the last time you'll
go home to this sexy piece of ass.

Man:No please Sir don't kill my girlfriend she has nothing to do with this please I'm begging you!

Jay:Well you can save your girl if you tell me what I need to know,now who do you work for?

Man:Ok ok I'll tell you!

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