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(Cha Cha's P.O.V):That went pretty well now all we had to do was get this body out of here,Simon and Loco being the strongest out of the bunch had to carry the body out but of course it was kind of a struggle to get on the elevator for us.

Thankfully Jay sent the receptionist on a lunch break so she won't have to see us struggling to take a heavy ass body out of the building when just a few moments ago she saw us dragging this bag in here like light work.

Cha Cha:"How heavy is he?He asked quietly to himself and the other guys."

Simon:Trust me this is nothing I've carried heavier shit than this.

Cha Cha:Well coming from someone who knocked dude out with a broom stick with just one hit effortlessly that don't surprise me at all.

Loco:Well it'll all be worth it when we get him in the van.

Gray:Yeah I'd help you guys too but I have to hold the door.

Simon:Lucky bastard at least you're doing something easy.

Cha Cha:Tell me about it.

Gray opens the door for them to get through, and we went out behind them heading back to the van where Sik was inside waiting for us if we can get his lazy ass to open the trunk that'll help us out a lot.

I still don't know why Jay sent him on a mission with us to be honest,because I've been feeling suspicious about him ever since that night at the club when he left us while we were being shot at so I really don't fully trust him at all and I'm not the only one who feels this way either.

Who knows maybe Jay might be onto him and this is his way of seeing what he's dealing with,but I personally thought it was dangerous to send him out here and he'll just end up ruining everything.

But hey I can't say anything about it because he's Loco's little brother and I can't just blatantly make accusations without proof.

Cha Cha:"Yo open the trunk!He shouted while banging on the car window where his seat was."

Gray:Need help getting him in the trunk?

Loco:No we got it.

Loco and Simon managed to get the body in the trunk,I hope he stays knocked out the entire ride until we get back to the house
so that it'll be easier to bring him in.

Sik-k:So how did that mission go?

Cha Cha:"I don't know by the looks of it the mission went pretty well wouldn't you say?He asked sarcastically."

Gray:The hard part of the mission is over,but the next part of the mission is the easy part and that's to to keep this guy breathing until Jay gets home.

Sik-k:That's too easy.

Simon:It sounds too easy,but we can't make
it easy for the bastard to stay alive we have to make every second of his last moments hard.

Loco:And we have to do it without killing him.

Sik-k:Sounds like an easy challenge.

Cha Cha:Yeah I know now let's get the hell out of here before someone notices us.

(Sasha's P.O.V):The whole day was super busy,I'd always yearn to get back home on days like this but is it safe to call where I'm staying now home or just a temporarily residency?

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