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(Sasha's P.O.V):Three days have passed since that day,and some things have changed since then I made new friends here even more than three days ago of course.

I guess maybe everybody here isn't so bad as
I thought they would be,and I'm no longer scared to step out of my room anymore because after hearing what Jay did to Harry
I felt safe now knowing that he'd never
come back again.

And speaking of Jay I wish I could tell you that our relationship has gotten closer since that day,but sadly it hasn't he still acts cold towards me and he's so hard to understand it makes my head spin trying to figure it out.

So I just gave up at this point because it's so useless to even worry about it,right now I'm just focusing on continuing with my normal life as much as I can.

Maid:"Ahh good morning Mrs.Park is there anything you need?She asked with a smile."

Sasha:Good morning just looking for something I can make for breakfast.

Maid:Oh that's ok we're making breakfast right now.

Sasha:Please I insist,I haven't cooked in a long time because I'm always busy with my job so I'd like to take this opportunity while I can.

Maid:"Ok as you wish Mrs.Park,she said with a friendly smile."

Sasha:Thanks,and by the way please don't call me Mrs.Park just call me Sasha.

Maid:Ok uh Sasha so what brings you here so early in the morning?

Sasha:Well I have a busy day ahead of me today,so I figure I get a head start today before my friends get here I mean that's if Jay will be fine with it.

Maid:Oh no worries Master Park is a very understanding man I'm sure he'll be perfectly fine with it.

Sasha:Yeah let's just hope.

Speaking of Jay he rushes into the kitchen as soon we mentioned his name,he was dressed in a suit as if he was rushing to leave somewhere and then I remembered it's his first day of work and from what I'm observing he's already late.

Maid:"Good morning Master Park,she greeted with a smile."

Jay:Morning I'm running late is my breakfast ready yet?

Maid:"Yes it's right here and here's your coffee black with ice and no sugar,she said while giving him his breakfast."

Jay:"Thank you I'm out,he said taking the food out of her hands trying to rush out of the door."

Sasha:Wait Jay!

Jay:"What?He stopped and asked coldly."

Sasha:Is it ok if my friends come over today?

Jay:I don't care as long as they don't wreck my house or tear up my shit it's fine,you didn't even have to ask me that question.

Sasha:Well I mean it is your house,after all I'm just a temporary guest for a year until we divorce remember?

Jay:Yeah yeah whatever have fun goodbye.

After that he left on his way to work,and all I can do is just squeal in enjoyment over the fact that I get to spend the time with my friends that I haven't got to do ever since the wedding.

I already have my whole day planned out can't wait to see how it turns out.

Maid:You seem really happy.

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