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(Sasha's P.O.V):The service went by rather slowly,I was hoping for it to speed through but it's a funeral after all you can never expect it to be done and over with quickly everyone is grieving.

Right now we're all watching as they put Mr.Park's casket in the grave,he sure was a loved and respected man his death impacted a lot of the people around him especially since it was very sudden and unexpected.

And to think this man would've turned out
to be my father in law is even more insane,
because he requested this marriage before his death.

Too bad I never got the chance to meet him,so that I can ask him what the hell was going through his mind when he chose me to marry his son for a business deal.

Sasha:"Are you ok Mrs.Park?She asked her quietly."

Mrs.Park:"Yes dear I'm fine,she said wiping her tears trying not to break down."

Mrs.Park was trying so hard not to break
down and stay strong in front of everyone,but to no avail she just couldn't and broke down immediately right in front of everyone.

Can you just imagine the pain of watching your loved one being put six feet under the ground to rest for eternity?

Not a very great experience I've seen it way too many times with family members of mine who are no longer here it's painful and emotional torture.

Which is why I could never bring myself to come to funerals again,but as you can see I was practically dragged here so I had no choice in this just like I have no choice in who I marry.

Jay:"Mom come on get up please,he begged his mother softly while trying to comfort her."

Cha Cha:"Mrs.Park,he said while kneeling down to her level."

Mrs.Park:"W-Why Why God Why?!She shouted in tears while crying hardly."

It broke my heart watching Mrs.Park cry like that,I couldn't help but shed a few tears of sympathy for her even though I just met her and I never knew her husband.

Jay and his friend were trying to comfort her,and the whole time throughout the ceremony Jay's face was stone cold he hardly showed any emotion I don't know how he can be this calm at his own dad's funeral.

But I don't think it was because he didn't care, I think it was because he wanted to break down just like his mother and everyone else but couldn't find it in him to do it.

I don't know about anyone else but the mixed emotions on his face wasn't unnoticed by me it was a mixture of sadness,anger,pain,and last but not least guilt?

(Jay's P.O.V):I tried to comfort my mother who was hysterical right now,but it was hard to do that while trying not to break down myself it sure isn't easy being the man in this situation I'll tell you that it's hard as fuck but somebody's gotta do it.

Watching my father lying in that casket was too painful and awkward,because I would always remember him alive in the flesh but now he's just a lifeless corps and if I wanted to talk to him it now had to be from a grave where only my voice could be heard.

I keep hearing voices in my head saying it's all your fault Jay,it's all because of you Jay and I can't help but think the voices are right I put my dad here it's me who did this to him.

But I promise to not let his death go without no justice,his killers will get exactly what they deserve and I refuse to rest until justice is served.

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