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(Author's P.O.V):It was late at night
and Mr.Park was working over time at the company,his wife who had already left earlier  leaving her husband to finish whatever last minute work before going home.

Mr.Park thought that he would be getting home tonight,but little did he know was that something tragic was gonna happen.

He continued to focus on his work,until he heard someone coming into his office and that's when he looked up in confusion to find
a man dressed in an all black attire wearing a ski mask.

Mr.Park:"Excuse me who are you can I help you?He asked while raising his eyebrow in confusion."

The man continued to be silent,which made Mr.Park even more confused but while he was waiting for the man to speak he pulled out his gun and shot Mr.Park multiple times.

He then put his gun away and left the scene,the gun shot got the attention of the workers so they rushed in to see what was going on.

And that's when they saw Mr.Park on the floor with blood covering his light blue buttoned up shirt,struggling to breath clinging onto his dear life.

Woman:"Mr.Park Mr.Park what happened?!She asked frantically while rushing towards him."

Man:"Somebody call 911 Mr.Park was shot!He shouted."

Woman:Mr.Park hang in there help is on the way!

(Sasha's P.O.V):After dropping Quinn and Thomas off at home,Jaden finally dropped me off at my house and when I looked outside I saw my parent's car which means they're home.

Sasha:Thanks for the ride Jaden.

Jaden:No problem and thanks for giving me an awesome birthday,even if things turned out crazy at the end.

Sasha:You're welcome bye guys.

Willow:Bye Sasha see you tomorrow.

I hugged Willow and Jaden before I left the car and made my way inside,and once I came in I saw my dad on the couch watching tv until he turned his attention towards me.

Dad:Sasha where were you young lady and why are you dressed like that?

Sasha:Dad remember I told you we were going to the club for Jaden's birthday party?

Dad:Oh right so how was it did anyone try to hurt you?

Sasha:It was fine and no one tried to hurt me.

Dad:Good I'm just glad you and your friends had a good time and you came home safely.

Mom:"Sasha baby there you are where have you been?She asked while entering the living room."

Sasha:Mom I just came back from Jaden's party,and he also gave me a ride home.

Mom:Ohh ok,we'll I'm glad you got home safe because your father and I have something important to tell you.

Sasha:Ok what is it?

Mom:Tomorrow night we're having a meeting with the Park's from Park Enterprise about a partnership deal,and we want you to come along with us.

Sasha:But why?

Dad:Let's just say we want this to be a family affair so we can make a good impression,so tomorrow leave your job early because we're going there at 7.

Sasha:Uh ok sure,anyway I'm going to bed goodnight guys love you.

Dad:"We love you too pumpkin goodnight,he said with a smile."

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