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(Anthony's P.O.V):Wow can't believe it's the next morning already,last night we got the worst news and I don't think Ji-young will be pleased to hear about it either luckily he was out most of the night and didn't have time to hear it.

But I gotta break it down to him now as soon as possible,so I got up and got myself ready to go downstairs and just when I'm about to leave London wakes up.

London:"Hey morning babe,she said in a sleepy tone while yawning and stretching."

Anthony:Morning bae how's your shoulder?

London:It's good where you going?

Anthony:I'm going downstairs I gotta to talk to G about something important.

London:Ok well you better give me my kiss before you go anywhere.

Anthony:Aight Aight I'll give you a kiss.

I leaned in and quickly kissed London with a small peck,I could've went in longer but ya'll know what happens to your breath when you just wake up I'm pretty sure you can get where I'm coming from.

London:What the fuck you call that a kiss?

Anthony:Baby you know I can give a better kiss than that,but you know how bad your breath stinks when you just wake up.

London:Boy get the fuck outta here you just ruined my mood.

Anthony:"Bye sorry bae I'll be right back,he said after letting out a playful chuckle."

London:"Hmm bye,she replied jokingly."

I left the room and went downstairs making my way to the dinning room where the maids are preparing breakfast,and to my luck Ji-young was there eating his food which gives me the right time to tell him the news.

Anthony:"Sup G,he said while sitting down on the seat next to him."


Anthony:So how was your night?

G-Dragon:It was stressful but I still got a lot of work done.

Anthony:Oh that's cool,anyway I got some news I wanna share with you.

G-Dragon:Is it good or bad news?

Anthony:Bad news.

G-Dragon:Fuck just what I needed to start off my morning so what's the news?

Anthony:Well the bad news is that Jay Park
is gonna become the next CEO of the Park Enterprise.

G-Dragon:What but how?!

Anthony:I don't know,you know how some parents be leaving inheritance for their kids when they die I think that was the case for Jay.

G-Dragon:Oh right I forgot about those damn inheritance wills.

Anthony:But get this that ain't the only catch.

G-Dragon:What's the catch?

Anthony:He's getting married in two weeks.

G-Dragon:"Married to who?He asked in shock."

Anthony:Well the CEOs of World Stock inc. have a daughter who they keep hidden from the public,and their parents arranged this marriage for business purposes.

G-Dragon:"Ohh really is that so?He asked with a smirk."

Anthony:Hey I got it from the sources,so what are we gonna do?

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