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(Sasha's P.O.V):After we left Starbucks
we decided to stop by Jaden's club to get our things,his place is actually closed right now
but I talked to him last night through text
and he agreed to wait for us so he can let us

Sasha,Willow,Quinn,&Thomas:Hey Jaden.

Jaden:Hey guys your stuff is still back stage.

Willow:Ok thanks.

Thomas:And I'm gonna need help getting my drums in the car.

Jaden:No problem dude I'll help you out.

We went back stage to get our instruments,
while Jaden helped Thomas carry his drum set which is gonna be hard to get into the car to be honest.

Thomas:Thanks dude.

Jaden:Don't mention it that's what friends are for.

Quinn:You know it's kinda awkward coming back here after what happened the other night.

Jaden:I know that's why I'm closing down the club for awhile so we can work on tighter security.

Because ever since that shooting the other night,our ratings have suffered tremendously and I still can't go to bed at night without having nightmares it's scary.

Willow:Did you file a police report about it?

Jaden:Yeah I went to the police station yesterday to file a report,they're still doing investigation on this case.

And we even checked the surveillance videos
for further investigation on what could've motivated the shooting.

So far the police have came to the conclusion that the shooting could've been gang related rather than an act of terrorism.

Because the shooting was being done near the VIP section of this club.

Sasha:Here's what I'm really curious about,how were the shooters even able to get
in here with guns?

Jaden:They somehow managed to sneak through the back doors,and I always keep
those doors locked for security reasons.

And when I came back here to check the place like I normally do,but this time with the police the back doors were open.

Which means someone from the inside must of let them in somehow,because you can't open those doors without a key.

Sasha:Wow this is so insane.

Quinn:Yeah and what's even more insane is that Sasha ran into one of the shooters.

Jaden:Was he wearing a black ski mask?

Sasha:Uh no he wasn't wearing a mask at all.

Jaden:Then he must of been one of the targets,because in the surveillance videos they showed five people dressed in all black wearing ski masks.

Tyler and Ghost were at the VIP section when everything went down,and they told me that they saw these group of people sitting in the front area of the section being shot at.

So that's why Jae-beom spared me that night,
because he wasn't one of the shooters but rather the one being attacked.

Yet that explanation still doesn't answer any of my questions,what exactly was he involved in that caused him to be shot at?

Quinn:You hear that Sasha maybe your possibly soon to be hubby is innocent after

Jaden:"What is she talking about?He asked while raising his eyebrow in confusion."

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