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(Author's P.O.V):The world is filled with evil lurking out there,waiting to find it's next victim no matter how much you try to stay away from evil it still finds it's way to target you.

And not only will you be at risk but the people around you will also be at risk,and that evil lurking is no other than the dangerous villainous mafia G-Dragon.

G-Dragon:I asked you for my money where is it?!

Man:"I'm sorry Sir but I came short of the money I was suppose to give you,he replied back terrified."

G-Dragon:What do you mean you came short huh,you either have my money or you don't and why don't you have it?!

Man:I-I'm sorry but I'll get you your money I swear.

G-Dragon:You must take me for a fool I think I've given you the wrong impression about me.

So maybe it's fair that I should explain to you what it is that I do,and happens to people who don't give me what I want.

Let's just say when I give you an assignment to do and you don't complete it,not only will I kill you I'll torture you to the point where I'll strip you of your manhood.

And not only will you be affected,your family your friends anyone who's close to you will have to pay for what you did or didn't do.

If I don't kill you the first time I'll keep coming back until you're dead,you only have one chance to complete what I ask you I don't
give second chances.

So since you fucked up and didn't give me what I asked for what do you think is gonna happen to you hmm?

The man was shivering in fear as G-Dragon was speaking with the most evil smirk on his face,knowing that things are not gonna end well and this will be the last time he stands in front of him alive.

But the frightened man won't give up easily,
the only way to save his life is if he pleads for it
hoping that'll soften his black heart and give him mercy.

Man:P-Please don't kill me I have a family,I have two kids who need their dad please can you spare my life man?!

G-Dragon:That's not my problem,if you really cared that much about your life you should've never made a deal with a devil like me.

I have a principle to live up to and shall follow that principle,so say your last prayers before you go.

He said standing in front of him while
holding a gun in his hand,with the same
smirk plastered on his face ready to pull the trigger.

Man:N-No plea-

(G-Dragon's P.O.V):I interrupted the bastard's last plead,by shooting him in the head until he was dead well that's another loser gone but whatever I lose I go out and
get more.

And I'll make sure whatever I get is useful to me,because I've always been a go getter in life anything I want I always get.

Nobody steps in my way and if they do I have my ways of getting rid of the problem,and killing the competition that stops me from
my success.

G-Dragon:Get rid of his body and don't leave any traces.

Man2:"Yes Sir,he said while bowing in obedience before getting rid of the body."

???:Yo boss what's going on in here?

G-Dragon:Nothing just had to get rid of another piece of shit.

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