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(Sasha's P.O.V):Once Jae-beom and I
made it to the ring shop,we looked around to find a sales associate to help us find where the weddings are.

But what kind of wedding rings should we choose from is the biggest question,and I
hope we can agree on one thing.

Sasha:There's an assistant right there maybe we should go ask them.

Jay:Yeah ok.

Sasha:Excuse me!

Employee:"Hello how can I help you two?
He asked while going towards them with a greeting smile on his face."

Sasha:Hi we're looking for wedding ring sets.

Employee:Ok well I can show you around.

Sasha:That'll be great thank you.

We follow the employee around the store as he led us to this section of wedding rings,it's so much to choose from but I know he wants nothing special so this is gonna be difficult.

Employee:Ok so this is where we keep the rings,when you choose one just let me know and I'll assist you.

Sasha:Ok thank you Sir.

Employee:"You're welcome,he said with a smile before walking away."

Sasha:So uh Jae-beom what kind of wedding rings should we buy?

Jay:Ok first of all you don't gotta call me
Jae-beom just call me Jay,and second we should get a ring set that's not too expensive
but make sure the rings look good enough
for our parent's approval alright?


We spend almost twenty minutes or more looking for wedding rings,and we could never come to an agreement about anything.

For someone who doesn't see this marriage as nothing more than just a business deal,he sure is picky about finding a ring.

Sasha:We've been looking around for twenty  minutes what set should we get?

Jay:Just pick a damn ring already it don't gotta be nothing special.

Sasha:We can if you just agree on something to pick.

Jay:And we can if you weren't being so picky.

Sasha:Oh yeah you want nothing special yet you turned down like a thousand ring sets,but I'm the one who's being picky?

Jay:I really wish I wasn't here doing this shit with you.

Sasha:Guess what you aren't the only one who feels that way.

Jay:Good I'm glad I'm not,now pick a ring set so we can get out of here and meet up with the others.

Cause like I said before I ain't tryin to be in
this god damn store all day,and I'm not gonna waste the rest of my day with you either.

Sasha:"Whatever,she said in a cold annoyed tone while rolling her eyes."

Ugh his attitude irks me I can't believe my parents are making me marry him,just being around him makes me wanna pull my hair out!

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