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(Jay's P.O.V):Right now we were in the
V.I.P section waiting for the new arrivals to get here,and in case you're wondering one of the arrivals isn't a stranger to us which is why it was so easy to ask them to join our gang.

With them on our team we'll be unstoppable,
G-Dragon won't even know what hit him and we'll be able to put this five year long war to rest.

Cha Cha:It's already past 9 when the hell are they gonna get here?

Jay:Loco Sik did ya'll call your brother and found out what was taking him so long to get here?

Sik-k:Uh no but thanks for reminding me though.

Loco:Don't worry he'll get here I know for sure.

As we continued to wait we suddenly saw four familiar people coming upstairs to the V.I.P section,and they were no other than the new arrivals who we've been waiting for.

They were looking around to find us until I called them over here to get their attentions,
and they began to make their way over to our section.

???:Hey everybody sorry we're late we had some things to take care of.

Loco:It's about time you got here you punk you should've called.

???:I know Hyung I'm sorry but I was busy.

Jay:Well now that y'all are here we can get this meeting started.

???:Ok but first let me introduce you guys to my gang,of course you guys already know me I'm Hyuk and also known by my nickname Dean.

This is Ji-ho also known as Zico,this is Chloe but she goes by DeVita,and this is Ju-kyung but he likes to be called Ugly Duck or just Duck.

After Dean introduced his gang members,I heard chuckles coming from Cha Cha and Gray I'm guessing maybe it's because they found
Ju-kyung's nickname funny.

Dean:What's so funny?

Cha Cha:"Nothing it's just that uh the nickname Ugly Duck is quite unique,he said trying not to laugh but failed by letting out a loud chuckle."

Gray:"We're just curious why do you call yourself Ugly Duck?He asked trying to control his laugh by grinning hardly."

Duck:I don't know I guess it's just a childhood nickname that grew on me,so I just went along with it.

Cha Cha:"Gee I wonder why,he said jokingly."

Jay:Chase come on man we're having a meeting this is no time to act immature.

Cha Cha:Ok ok Jay you right I'm sorry.

Jay:Anyway it's good you guys considered to join our gang,and here's one question I have for you Dean.

Dean:Sure what is it?

Jay:I know Loco has a reason to want his brother destroyed,but what are your reasons for why you want Ji-young taken down?

Dean:Well even though he's our brother,that bastard has been terrorizing our lives for years and I'm sick of it.

Because of him our father's company was destroyed,and for no reason other than his
own personal jealousy and ego so of course I have my own reasons for wanting him dead.

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