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(Jay's P.O.V):After a whole day of doing absolutely nothing excited,I was finally able to take a fucking break before I went back to boredom again.

I also noticed I was starting to build a reputation around here for being the cold
boss,I guess people are really that disappointed because they expected me to be like my father.

But I don't care he had his way of dealing
with things and I have my way of dealing with things,so how they feel about me is whatever all I keep telling myself is one year that's all I need.

Man:I sure miss Sung Park no one can ever run this company like him.

Man2:Me too his son is such a privileged hooligan,what exactly does he know about running a company did he even go to school?

Woman:I doubt it judging by those terrible tattoos that kid's a misfit.

Man:Well I just hope he doesn't run this company down to the ground,I have a family to feed.

Man2:We all do and I'm not gonna let that kid ruin that for me either,I bet he's only a man when holding a gun but let's see how much of a man he is in a one on one fight.

Yes I heard them talking shit I was not that far from there and my ears work very well,but of course since I'm in a professional setting I can't handle it like I'm in the streets doing mafia work.

I have to handle myself in a professional manner just for them to get the clue that I'm the boss here now,they don't gotta like me but they damn sure will respect me if any means necessary.

So I walked over to them like I was going to get a coffee,and as soon as they saw me they put on their fake smiles and pretended like they weren't just talking about me.

Don't you just love people how fake people can be,how they will talk shit about you behind your back but won't dare to say it to your face?

Woman:"Oh hello Mr.Park we just wanna say how honored we are to have you as our new boss at this company your father had for many years,she said lying through her teeth with a fake plastered smile."

Jay:Yeah yeah yeah you think I couldn't hear you guys from over there talking shit?

Woman:"U-Uh I'm sorry Sir what do you mean?She asked getting nervous."

Jay:Let's just cut straight to the chase ok,I know you think of me as just some privileged punk born with a silver spoon in his mouth who don't know the business from a can of paint right?

Well let me just say this I don't just hold
guns for a living I own them,that's how I make
my money that's where I get my profit so this entrepreneuring game is nothing new to me.

And in order for me to get this job I had to of gotten some sort of degree,just because I didn't stay in a class long enough doesn't mean I didn't find a way to get my degree internet exists for a reason right?

So I guess that means I can do a one on one fight like a man without hiding behind a gun,
but of course we're at work now and despite what you think I still know how to keep it professional in the work place that is.

Now I'll be glad to help you all to continue
to feed your families,but if you want that to continue I suggest you watch your

Because you may not like me but I'm the boss here,I'm calling the shots wether you like it or not so remember don't bite the hand that can feed you and cut off your supplies now enjoy your lunch.

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