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(Sasha's P.O.V):After the funeral service came the repass,which was surprisingly better than the funeral to be honest of course it doesn't mean it was good but if I had to choose where I'd rather be it would be here.

Mr.and Mrs.Park's house looked exactly how
I expected it to be,a big fancy well decorated place the typical home you would expect from
a highly successful CEO.

But to be honest if I were Mrs.Park I'd seriously consider moving,because living in
a house full of memories of your spouse can be haunting.

Every place in this house has his memories,
I wonder how she even handles being in such a big house alone all by herself where her husband used to have his presence in

DeVita:This place literally has Mr.Park's name written all over it.

Sasha:Yeah I wonder how Mrs.Park even handles being here all by herself,I'd literally die from insanity here.

DeVita:Well Mrs.Park really isn't as weak as some people may think,she may have her moments but she seems to be going through this the best way that she can.

Sasha:That's true I can give her credit for that.


While Chloe and I were talking I noticed
some of her gang members were staring at us,I
hope I'm not making her abandon them or something like that.

Because that's not what I want at all,but if they were real friends they wouldn't feel insecure about it they'd understand she's just trying to get along with me since we all have to live together now.

Sasha:Uh Chloe?


Sasha:Are you sure your friends are ok with you spending so much time with me?

I mean you wouldn't want them to feel left out because of me or anything.

DeVita:Sasha it's cool they understand,we're like family we look out for each other and once you get to know them they'll make you feel like family too.

Sasha:Oh ok?

DeVita:But that won't happen if you keep being so distant from everyone,I mean I get it you aren't used to being around mafias because of the stuff you hear about us on tv and in the movies and that's understandable.

The life of a mafia isn't pretty it's scary as shit, but look at me I'm just like the rest of them I'm no different and you're talking to me like it's no problem right?

Sasha:"Right,she responded while nodding her head."

DeVita:So what would be so different if you talked to my friends?

Sasha:Yeah I guess you're right there is no difference.

DeVita:"Exactly now I'm gonna go join my friends and you're free to join us too if you want,she said before getting up ready to
walk away."

Sasha:"Chloe wait I'll join you,she said stopping her."

DeVita:"Ok let's go,she said happily while dragging her my her hand."

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