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(Sasha's P.O.V):After the ceremony came the after party,everyone was celebrating while I tried to stay as close to my friends as possible but that wasn't easy when everyone wanted to engage with the bride and groom.

If only I could go back inside in the beach house and hide,but sadly we had to go to another location just to have the after party ceremony.

I'm glad because at least it's almost over with, but at the same time not so glad because after this I won't be going home instead I'll be moving in with Jay and that's not gonna be
a blast at all.

Thomas:Well this wedding sure was quite a turn out.

Jaden:I'm still with you on this Sasha I
don't like this idea of you being forced to get married,because no one should get forced into marriage under any circumstances but if I could do something about it I would.

Sasha:I know Jaden but try telling that to my parents who seem to think this is still the 19th century,and that this wedding is for my own good when actually it's for their own benefits.

Willow:If I was in your situation I probably would've left the country by now.

Thomas:And go where to Paris?

Willow:Anywhere that's far away but Paris sounds nice too.

Sasha:You know I actually considered that,but too bad getting a passport and a citizen ship in a minimum of two weeks isn't as easy as it may seem.

Quinn:And now you have to move in with him are you still thinking about running away?

Sasha:I don't know I'd love to but it's too late I'm now apart of "his world".

Thomas:That's quite a small world.

Before I could respond to Thomas's comment,
the conversation was shortly interrupted by Willow and Jaden's dad who was approaching us.

Will:Hey kids what y'all doing over here?

Willow:Nothing dad just talking.

Will:Ok well you guys can continue this conversation at the dinner table,because that's what I came here to tell you Sasha that your parents want you at the table so we can start  dinner.

Sasha:Ok Uncle Will we'll be right there.

Jaden:I think we should get going now we don't wanna keep everyone waiting.

Quinn:Yeah we should because I'm thirsty and I hope they have more champagne.

Willow:Quinn just try not to get drunk tonight we are at a wedding with our parents here after all.

Quinn:Oh please Willow that is the least of my worries right now trust me.

(Jay's P.O.V):I'm so glad this wedding is over with,now I can start taking care of business and fulfill my dad's wishes but now there's another price on my hands.

If I wanna continue to fulfill my dad's wishes I have to be responsible for Sasha to please her parents,and that's the part I'm not ready for but willing to do in order to make everyone happy.

Dean:Well Jay it looks like you're finally a married man.

Jay:"Yeah I guess,he said while sighing in annoyance."

DeVita:Oh come on Jay it's not that bad maybe she's nice and she'll be a good wife.

Jay:Y'all keep saying that but the truth is this is not a typical marriage,and if it wasn't for my dad I would've never married her in the first place.

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