Today is Valentines Day. I thought to myself, Well, I'm all alone. No girlfriend or anything. Woe to me and all that. But then as I was drawing a pair of cat ears (it makes sense if you read my character competition) I realized something. Sure, romance is great, but I don't need that kind of love. I want it, but don't actually need it to survive. What I do need to survive, is the love of my friends. They've become my second family, my brothers and sisters. And then it saddened me that we would all be going separate ways after our senior year, and even now some are graduating and leaving. And then someone said something as I walked by and it stuck with me. "Well, if you love it, won't it come back?" And I agreed with it. Point being, I love my friends, even those on Wattpad that I've never met. And if it does turn out that we have to part ways, you may be gone, but at least I'll have your love.

Poems and Proverbs of the Crazy
PoetryA compilation of many different ideas forged from a number of incredible events with good people in this messed up world.