What was that!?
Will yelled as he tripped over a mat,
Run! I heard a gunshot!
Yelled Kevin as he picked up his friend and around them a battle was fought
Olive! Look out!
Yelled Leonard as he took the bullet and his pain was not without.
No! We need to leave!
Yelled Olive as she stumbled away from the dead body with a great heave.
Ack! Get off me!
Cried Samuel as he was tackled and a knife made his throat bloody.
Why is this happening!?
Asked Elizabeth as they kept running.
Look out Wendy!
Cried Oliver as he toppled over the edge while grabbing the assailant's knee.
No! Come back!
Wendy despaired at what she now lacked.
Guys! Help me!
Pleaded Miley as she was dragged away quickly.
Don't go after her Kevin!
Warned Gabby as Kevin ran in.
Come on!
Urged Rita as they stared on.
Let's get to my car!
Suggested Kary but it seemed too far.
It's the best plan we got!
Said Will running towards the car as he fought
Will! Look-
Cried Olive as she was killed by some random crook.
We'll never make it!
Despaired Elizabeth as Wendy was hit.
We can do this!
Encouraged Gabby as a bullet flew by with a narrow miss.
Go on without me!
Ordered Rita as she was blinded and could no longer see.
No! Rita I almost have you
Cried Kary Ana's she reached for Rita as she was killed almost on cue.
Run Kary! It's just us now!
Cried Will as he punched an enemy with a pow.
We made it!
Kary cried as she shakily got the key to fit.
Move! Before they kill-
Ordered Will as he pushed Kary out of the path of a tank and it ran over Will.
She said nothing, because there was no one left to say them to...

Poems and Proverbs of the Crazy
PoetryA compilation of many different ideas forged from a number of incredible events with good people in this messed up world.