A person who I did not know, who I happened to be walking by, said this, "Cutting is for cowards."
I kept walking, as I had somewhere to be, but those words stuck with me and I can not do anything but disagree.
Bravery has nothing to do with cutting in my opinion. Nor does cowardice. Cutting comes from when life pushes too hard and they need an outlet. They take I out upon themselves. Now, this is just a theory of mine, as I don't actually know the pain and anguish and the thoughts that go through a person's mind. I especially don't like the name "cutter." It's a terrible label, another cruel name in our society. But to finish what I was to say, cutting is for the tormented, the bruised and battered, the victims, and those in pain. And I do not condemn these people, but rather those around them who push these poor souls to commit such acts. I see those who cut are generally the people cut off from people, those who don't fit in and feel as though no one wants them. That's what I see. Now again, perhaps I'm wrong, but I may be right. But either way, I have one question.
Why do we, parents, siblings, friends, even cousins or acquaintances, allow others or ourselves to put these people in such a situation that they feel the need to cut?
Poems and Proverbs of the Crazy
PoesíaA compilation of many different ideas forged from a number of incredible events with good people in this messed up world.