Apparently, there is such a thing as a mute button on Wattpad. Usually, I would neglect this fact and continue on with life like I normally would. But this is a writing community. A writing community is a place where you go to express your ideas and beliefs through writing so you can better understand who you are and how to better express yourself in your writing. But in doing so you are presenting things that others disagree with, which should be perfectly fine. We have freedom to speak our beliefs and ideas here on Wattpad, as we do in the real world. For those who are attacked for what they write, I ask you not to mute the attackers, but continue to write so you can show why you are right as you believe. In this situation, there are two forms of cowardice. Muting, and putting someone in the position to desire to mute.
Poems and Proverbs of the Crazy
PoetryA compilation of many different ideas forged from a number of incredible events with good people in this messed up world.