Hey there friend!
What's that around the bend?
I can't see it,
And neither can you.
I can't see behind me and you do too.
And now there's a fog,
I can't see a bit.
Oh wait, you sound like you have a frog.
I mean in your throat of course.
Oh no! You're sinking into seas of remorse!
Grab my hand and hold it tight!
I won't let go without fight!
Oh look, we made it.
And look what we get.
A better friendship,
Hey wait, do they want to give us a tip.
Oh, I didn't like that.
Let's move on and see where we're at.
Hooray! We're halfway there!
Wait, we're halfway to the rapids.
Should we turn around?
We can't, that's not fair.
What are you doing?
This is no time to kid.
How will we be found?
Why do we keep losing?
Why do we keep going?
Why don't we give up?
Look here on the map!
What is it!
It's a city! They'll take us in!
How do you know?
Because almost everyone I love is there.
Who's not?
Well, you're with me now.
Then let's move on, dear friend.
On through the rapids!
On through the trials!
On to the City of the Blessed!
Poems and Proverbs of the Crazy
PoetryA compilation of many different ideas forged from a number of incredible events with good people in this messed up world.