I walked out of a store on a street corner I frequented often, holding a box of my favorite candy. I stood on the sidewalk, a small parking lot and low wall between me and the intersection, picking out my favorite flavors. Everything was fine, the sky was cloudy and smelled of rain, but I liked that. I popped a few of the candies into my mouth and looked at the intersection, where I saw the car of a friend of mine. She had stopped and I was about to go run up to her car, but the light turned green and she began to drive away. I shrugged and went back to my candy, but I heard a screech and looked up just in time to see my friend get slammed into by another car and she was flung from one end of the intersection to the other. I immediately dropped the candy and ran across the parking lot and jumped the fence. I was in midair as a car drove by my friend and nearly hit her head, and I could see another moving straight towards her. I ran across the glass from the crash and scooped up my friend. The car was right on top of us, so I lunged, turning my body so that when we landed I would land first, and cradled her head to my chest. The car caught my legs and I felt my shins both break. We were flung from the intersection and landed perpendicular with a median line between lanes. I tried to move myself so I would line up with the line, but another car drove by and caught my head with its bumper. I was knocked out, but we were knocked so that we were lined up with the median line and the cars drove by without hitting us. The girl who questions the world would question again, but I would not remember.
Poems and Proverbs of the Crazy
PoetryA compilation of many different ideas forged from a number of incredible events with good people in this messed up world.