What happen when a friend hurts you?
Do you walk away?
Leave them behind?
And if that is true than I can scarcely look at you.
This person was your friend,
A brother or a sister,
A supportive pillar,
Who helped you if you needed aid.
But then a single transgression turned you away.
You gave up on them,
You traitorous little coward.
You left them to the fire.
Friends are meant to lean in each other,
And if one should walk away,
The other falls to the ground.
And so shall you,
The traitorous coward,
Who left your friend behind.
You too shall fall,
But further down the road.
Meanwhile you sit and laugh,
While your betrayed friend lays in the dust.
Go back to them,
Help them up,
For redemption is still at hand.
Restore your friendship,
And enjoy it evermore.
But should you not,
A traitor's curse on you,
Leave me be so I may help,
The friend you left behind.
Poems and Proverbs of the Crazy
PoetryA compilation of many different ideas forged from a number of incredible events with good people in this messed up world.