Agh! My leg!
Cried Will as he awoke.
You're still alive!?
Cried Kary in disbelief.
Are you guys alright?
Asked Kevin as he walked up with Miley in his arms.
Guy! I found Oliver!
Yelled Gabby as she hurried over with Oliver.
Where's Wendy?
Oliver asked as he looked around.
She didn't make it...
Will whispered from the ground.
In the car! Help Will and Miley!
Ordered a renewed Kary as gunshots rang out from the school.
We're all in! Drive!
Yelled Will as they all piled in.
Who's hurt?
Kary asked as they sped away from the destruction.
A few knife wounds for Miley and me.
Kevin said as he cradled her head.
Just a little bruised...
Oliver whispered almost inaudibly.
I'm alright I guess.
Said Gabby somewhat ashamedly.
My leg hurts a lot.
Maybe we can make it.
Kary whispered to herself.

Poems and Proverbs of the Crazy
PoetryA compilation of many different ideas forged from a number of incredible events with good people in this messed up world.