You wear an armor thought to be strong.
Fancy, and decorative, and oh so grand.
And yet you are so very wrong,
For your armor is blown away once it is fanned.
It cannot protect you from the slashing sword,
Or the sneaky knife,
Or the speeding arrowhead.
You go to battle,
Only to be cut down.
Yet there is another armor with greater strength.
Plain, but strong, and very well crafted.
An armor to put on you must take great length.
While strong, it's light when hefted.
The slashing sword shatter upon it,
The sneaky knife slides along it.
The speeding arrowhead bounces from it.
You go into battle,
Wearing the armor of Jesus.

Poems and Proverbs of the Crazy
PoetryA compilation of many different ideas forged from a number of incredible events with good people in this messed up world.