Can scars have beauty?
Can broken glass be safe?
Can a rusty nail be useful?
Can a broken soul make a difference?
It would be easier to hide the scars,
To throw away the glass,
To discard the rusty nail,
To ignore the broken soul.
Then it is to proudly reveal the scars,
To put the glass back together,
To clean the rusty nail,
To love the broken soul.
But hopefully theirs someone to heal the scars,
Someone to put the glass back together,
Someone to clean the rusty nail,
Someone to love the broken soul.
Not because it is easy,
Not for personnel gain,
Not because someone made them,
But because it was the right thing to do.
The person abused by someone,
The person shattered by tragedy,
The person useless by failure,
The person broken by the storm of life.
All given beauty,
Given happiness,
Given purpose,
Given a second chance,
All because it was the right thing to do.
Poems and Proverbs of the Crazy
PoetryA compilation of many different ideas forged from a number of incredible events with good people in this messed up world.