I needed to write this for other people to read and learn something, cause most guys are doing it wrong! As for the girls, you can read, just know you aren't the intended audience. So, I'll begin with relationships. The male role, as I believe, is that of a caretaker, or guide, of both you and the girl in your relationship. Your job as caretaker, is to keep her pure and to help her and strengthen her. Having a girlfriend shouldn't be because you want to get something from her, whether it be through physical interaction or other. Having a girlfriend should be seeing if you can take care of that girl, and maybe even eventually her children, for the rest of your life. I meet too many guys who talk too much about their girlfriend's body or call the person they supposedly "love" terrible names. Gentlemen, you are to respect women whether or not you are around them. Don't joke about her breasts with your friends, nor use terms in reference to any girl that are demeaning or insulting. A woman should not be defined by the shape of her body, her looks and nor should she be described by such names. I know young men who claim themselves Christians who do happen to commit such acts. Such things are abuse, whether the girl being talked about knows or not. If you look at a woman with sexual thoughts in your mind, you have abused that poor girl. If you use such a demeaning term in front of or behind the back of an unsuspecting girl, you have abused them. You also abuse your job a caretaker, by indulging and thus tainting what could be another man's wife. More importantly, to those Christians reading, you hurt God by abusing your given role. Not only are you disobeying God, abusing this girl and even tainting yourself with sin, but you are also encouraging more sin to happen similar to the first. You become what is now so normal in this American society of ours. Like many others you commit these acts because they are socially acceptable by most men and sadly even some women. So now, before I close, I'd like to challenge every man, and woman if you find a way to apply this, become a caretaker of woman. Protect them and nurture them.
And so, my job is not over, but only begun. I too must undertake this task with you. Let the day you read this be the day when yet another guardian awakens to protect women from the abusers known as men. I truly hope and pray that you men take this message upon your heart. I wish you all good luck, and Godspeed.

Poems and Proverbs of the Crazy
PoesiaA compilation of many different ideas forged from a number of incredible events with good people in this messed up world.