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A/N: good morning, afternoon, or night, my lovely children.

I finished this this morning and it's got so much of stuff and things. Ya know? Ofc you go.

Anyways, enjoy. :)


"Hey." He says as I sit down at the booth.

The restaurant was small, but really cute, it gave me major "I am a hippie and like the ocean" vibes.

"Hey." I respond, adjusting my coat. "So look Harry, uhm...your song was....well it was great, a true work of art really."

"Yeah but.....wait what?" He says looking up at me a confused look on his face. "You....you liked it?"

"Yeah, I did. A lot actually. I just don't know how I feel about the lyrics..." I said, pulling my phone out again, with the lyrics. "Specifically the line about being all you think about." I say, a slight smile peeling on my lips.

"Oh...haha....well yeah..." he mumbles, his cheeks turning a soft shade of pink before he runs his fingers through his hair. "Well, Towns, not sure if you noticed, but your kind of unforgettable."

I thought about saying 'Damn right.' But I feel that wouldn't fit the situation, so instead I went on the safe side and said "Yeah ok...but it was a one night stand, Harry...key word there, one."

"I know, I know, And normally I don't do this shit." He says, fiddling with a napkin on the table "but-"

He was cut off by the waitress, coming to the table with her notebook thingie. "What can I get y'all on this fine afternoon." She says simply, with her southern accent piping heavily through her words, and popping her bright pink bubble gum.

"Oh Uhm...I'm not gonna have anyth-"

"We'll have two strawberry milk shakes." I cut Harry off, knowing this is definitely a milkshake kind of time.

He looks at me with a small smile, playing with his rings on his hands as the waitress writes down our order. "Two strawberry milk shakes, coming right up." The waitress says.

"You didn't have to do that." He tells me after the lady is gone.

"Yes I did, the milkshakes here are bomb, and if I got one, you would realize you wanted one." I told him, looking back down to my phone.

"That's your logic?"



I look up at him raising my eyebrow. "Interesting?"


"What do you mean interesting..."

"I mean I like the way you think, it interests me."

I furrow my brows in confusion. "Uh huh..." I mumble. "Anyways, what were you saying before the waitress came?" I asked, directing the conversation back to why I am actually here.

"Oh Uhm...right...normally I'm not like this with one night stands but-"

"Two strawberry milkshakes." The southern waitress says, putting two glasses full of a soft pink colored milkshake, before popping her bubble gum once more. "Can I getchu two anything else?" She says.

I look at Harry and he shakes his head. "No thank you." I tell her, a bright smile on my face.

Once she walks away I turned back to Harry as I start sucking on the straw, feeling the sweet drink hit my tongue. "Continue." I say.

"Right...uhm...normally uh...shit. What was I saying?" He asks me, looking nervous.

"You were saying how normally your not like this with your one night stands." I tell him, taking another drink of my shake.

"Oh yeah...sorry Uhm...yeah I'm not usually like this but you're just-"

My phone rings cutting him off. "Oh my god I'm sorry, I have to take this." I tell him. Standing up and walking outside.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hey. So I think that Harry guy wrote a song about you on the radio." My dad spoke through the phone.

I smacked my hand to my forehead. "Yeah, yeah, I know I heard, I'm taking care of it right now. Jeez dad I thought there was something wrong."

"M'sorry kiddo. I'll just text you next time I hear a song bout' you on da radio." He says.

My dad was in his eighties. I was the youngest in my family being only twenty-two. All my siblings range in age of thirty-six to forty-eight. Not to mention my dad was in his forties when he had his first kid, my brother. "S'alright, but I'm a little busy right now. I'll talk to you later ok?"

"Alright, be safe, Ari, Love ya." He said, and I felt a smile on my face.

"Love you too, pop." I say, and he hung up the phone.

I went to walk back into the restaurant, and Then I saw, three things.

And empty glass, a half empty glass, and an empty restaurant booth.

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