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A/N: I finally got it re-written. sorry about the wait. 


I sat in the bathroom on the cold floor and I was...well...jacking off. 

we got to my house earlier and after I had calmed Aria down enough to come inside, we walked in I brought her upstairs to change out of her work clothes, giving her a t-shirt to wear. I watched as she changed in front of me, removing her bra for comfort and she was already not wearing underwear since...well...they were kind of a mess. 

Ever since I saw a short glance at her flawless nude body, she had been fucking with my head. not purposely though. 

we went down stairs to watch a movie to try and calm her down a bit more and I told her to pick a movie. (because I was in no shape to care.) She chose one and honestly, I didn't even know what we were watching. I was too focused on her. 

The t-shirt was slowly hiking up her legs from the way she was sitting, revealing more and more of her perfectly tan thighs, while I kept thinking about the paradise that lied between them. My hand rested on her thigh and I craved to move it higher, I wanted to feel how perfect she felt wrapped around my fingers, while her face was contorted in pleasure. 

I didn't though, I knew she was stressed from earlier and I didn't want to make it worse some how. but god damn, it was killing me. 

The feeling that was building up in my lower half wasn't stopping, so I grabbed a blanket from off the end of the couch to throw it over us, so she wouldn't see. "You cold?" She asked me, her voice almost making it worse. 

"Yea, are you." I say, offering to cover her half too, hoping that if I didn't see her as much, it would make me fucking calm down. 

"Mmm." She hummed tiredly while nodding and pushed her warm body closer too mine and snuggling farther into my shoulder. 

oh my fuck she doesn't even know what she is doing to me. 

She looks so innocent, her eyes gazing at the tv in front of us. but I know as well as anyone, Aria Towns is about as innocent as a porn star.

Oh and that whole idea of not seeing her? That didn't work. I still had her imprinted in my head like a tattoo. I couldn't do it anymore. it was getting ridiculous. "I'll be right back." I say, getting up and shutting myself in the bathroom, falling on the floor and tugging my pants down my legs. 

that leads to now. 

After just 2 minutes of trying to contain myself in the bathroom, the door opens. Aria's sweet face peeks in and smiles. "Having fun in here without me, I see." She says, pushing the door open all the way and walking in, taking a seat on the floor next to me. "Want help?" She adds and I nod helplessly.  

"Please." I spit out, sounding just as helpless as I feel. 

She smiles, climbing on my lap. "Hmm...How do I help Harry..." She thinks out loud. "Do I...touch him?" She asks, her hand slowly sliding over my very hardened length, while a small moan leaves my lips. "Do I...give him my mouth?" She says once again, leaning down and letting her tongue glide across my tip, in a teasing manner. "Or do I fuck him." She says finally, grabbing my shoulders with one hand and my dick in the other, positioning herself above me and placing my tip inside her slightly before pulling it out quickly. "What do you think, H?" 

"Fuck me. Please Ar, please." I beg her, and her smirk grows even bigger. 

"Excellent choice, baby." She says, pressing her lips to mine quickly, before grabbing my shoulder and dick again like she did before, except she actually let me in all the way, a moan helplessly leaving my mouth the second I feel her beautiful walls wrapped around my dick. 

"Ahh, Fuck." She says, as he moves up and down on top of me. "You like it when I ride you, Harry?" She tuts. 

"Yes, Yes I--Ahh." My words are cut off by a moan that I can't control anymore. And She starts moving faster on top of me, her mouth flying open and her brows furrowed in pleasure. 

"Oh my fuck Harry." She says, her other hand shooting up to my shoulder to steady herself. 

My hand travels around the floor and counter behind me looking to something to grip on but I fine nothing, and have to settle on the top of the counter, but it doesn't exactly do much for me. "Aria--"

"Cum Harry, c'mon baby, you can do it, love." She says, before a long drawn out moan escapes her lips. her perfect pink lips. 

Its almost as her words were encouraging me,  My orgasm hit me like a train. She moaned at the feeling of my release shooting through her, and soon after, she drops her head as she fucks me through her own orgasm.

She pulled herself off of me and fell on the floor next to me. I grab her hand and tangle my fingers with hers, and she looks at me, confused, but I just smile at her, her confused look then melts into a smile. 

I lean over and lightly kiss her lips, pulling back quickly. 

Aria and I had kissed multiple times by now, however that short simple act had felt like the first. We had never shared such a soft and gentle kiss before. every other kiss was rough, and hungry. hungry of something. 

She smiled at the floor then looked up at me. "Do that again." She said, to which I responded with doing so. 

I kissed her softly and quickly again, she kissed me back. 

"Again." I kissed her again. 

Her smile had grown with each kiss and she was now looking at me like she was a toddler and I had just won her a giant stuffed animal at a carnival.

"I like that." She said, her eyes lit up like diamonds. "I like that a lot. We should do that more often."  

"We should." 

She leaned over and kissed me again, quick and soft before standing up and heading out the door. "I'm gonna go finish the movie, are you coming?" She asks. 

I smile and stand. "Oh, hey Ar." 

"Hmh." She says, turning slightly. 

"What movie are we watching again?" 

Her jaw drops. "Harry, tell me you're joking, I was that distracting for you?!" She said. 

I smiled and my cheeks felt hot as I looked at the floor and I mumbled out a subtle "yeah..." 

She giggled and grabbed my hand, pulling me toward the couch. "We're watching Finding Nemo." 



tpwk except whoever reported it. 

anyways sorry it took so long to get this chapter out, My ear piercing kinda got infected and the earring like...got stuck inside my ear and I needo get it surgically removed so I've been in and out of doctors offices all day. 

but ily guys and I'll get a chapter out of Ebony as well. 


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