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"Do you have any 7s?" 

"Go fish." I said.

We were all sitting in the living room kinda doing our own things, Sarah and I playing go fish, Harry writing in his notebook, and Mitch strumming a very summer-y tune on his guitar, mostly to himself. 

We had been hanging out for about an hour and a half already, and originally we were all talking and it was still kind of the whole "Introducing myself to Harry's best friends" kinda stage, until eventually we just started doing out own things. 

"Tastes like strawberries..." Harry starts, in tune to Mitch's singing, as he reads from his book. "On a summer evenin' and it sounds just like a song, I want more berries, and that summer feelin' it's so wonderful and warm." he sings.

"Breathe me in, breathe me out, I don't know if I could ever go without, I'm just thinkin' out loud, I don't know if I could ever go without." He continues, but then stops. "I've been writing to your melody, I just haven't gotten that far and--" 

"Watermelon Sugar High, Watermelon Sugar High, Watermelon Sugar High, Watermelon Sugar High, Watermelon Sugar." Mitch adds, before he stops playing, resting his arm across the guitar. "And then what if we repeated the first line of the first verse so it goes 'Strawberries, on a summer evenin'' and then you can add something--" 

"Baby you're the end of June." I cut in and both Mitch and Harry look at me, causing my cheeks to feel hot and to look back down at the cards in my hands to avoid eye contact. "You don' have you use it, I don't really know anything I'm not exactly--" 

"Wait, Mitch can you play that again?" Harry asks, cutting me off. Mitch does, playing the summer-y tune again. "Watermelon Sugar, Strawberries, on a summer evenin', Baby you're the end of June, I want your belly, and that summer feelin' getting washed away in you.--Ya, ya, I like that a lot." He says, writing in his notebook again, before wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer to him, kissing my cheek. "You're a goddess, baby." He says, before letting go of me and sitting back up with his notebook. 

Damn right I am.

"So then we can repeat the pre-chorus, but maybe shorten it up a bit so instead of 'I'm just thinkin' out loud I don't know if I could ever go without.' We just shortened it to 'Breathe me in, breathe me out, I don't know if I could ever go without, Watermelon Sugar High, Watermelon Sugar High, Watermelon Sugar High' et cetera." Harry said to Mitch, Mitch nodded and Harry wrote it down. 

"Then we can do 'I just wanna taste it, I just wanna taste it, Watermelon Sugar High.'" Mitch added 

"Yeah, Yeah, Perfect, I like that." Harry says, writing it down again and putting his pencil down on the paper. "Hold on, I'll be right back." He adds, getting up from the couch. 

"Now that he is gone, Aria, Love, please tell me you're aware that doofus over there just wrote a song about eating your pussy." Mitch says just above a whisper after Harry went around the corner. 

I giggled a bit. "I kinda picked up on that after he said said 'I want your belly'" 

"Good, just glad you understan--Oh Hi Harold, we weren't talking about you at all." Mitch says, perking up. 

I turn around to see an annoyed Harry holding a white electric guitar with stickers on it. He rolls his eyes and sits down. He starts playing the tune again, singing the lyrics that had already been talked about. 

"I just wanna taste it, I just wanna taste it, Watermelon Sugar High." He sang, before he slowed his strumming. "Tastes like strawberries, on a summer evenin', and it sounds just like a song, I want your belly, and that summer feelin' I don't know if I could ever go without, Watermelon Sugar High." He finishes the chorus, before slowing his strumming and coming to a complete stop.

Mitch started slow clapping, "All Hail Harold Styles, the king of--" 

"Mitch Rowland." Sarah said. "Don't." 

Mitch rolled his eye, and leaned back in his chair, his arms crossed over his chest. "pussy." He mumbled, finishing his sentence, but we all kinda ignored him. 

"So are you gonna start working on another album already? The other one just came out it seems." I ask him. 

"I don't think I'm gonna start working on the full album yet, maybe just a few songs here and there, plus, I had inspiration." He said, winking at me.

I giggled before I heard my phone ring from across the room. "One sec." I said, standing up and walking in the kitchen to grab my phone from it's charger and picked it up. It was a random number I didn't know, but my ADD wont let me ignore it. 


"Arianna Clementine McNewman."  My mother's eerie voice spoke through the phone.

"That's not my name." 

Really? That's what I'm concerned about? My mother hasn't called me in almost 6 years and I was concerned about her getting my name wrong? 

"It would be your name if you weren't so stubborn. I refuse to call you by your fathers name, I want nothing to do with that man after what he did to you." She said. 

I wanted to say 'He didn't do anything to me, I'm sorry you feel bad about yourself for making a fucking mistake with my dad, but don't take it out on him, he is a good man, your just to stuck in your own preppy world to understand that.'  But I figured she would get mad, plus I don't even know what she is calling for, maybe she doesn't want to cause any trouble today. 

"He didn't do anything to me." 

"Arianna, He ruined you. I know all the things you've been doing, it's not ok, and that's exactly how your father used to be, He turned you into a unorganized, drunken whore."

I saw Harry walk in the kitchen but I didn't do anything, I was too mad. 

"Ok, first of all, It's pretty shitty of you to insult your own daughter for the way you used to fucking be just because your pissed off at yourself for fucking dad and having me. second of all, I guess I'm pretty unorganized considering I got my fucking dream job at 23, third of all, you have no right to call me a drunk, you and I both know you've drank whiskey by the fucking bottle every night since I was 12, oh and you think I'm a whore? I guess we should pretend you haven't cheated on Michael 4 different times with 7 different men. You know what they say, like mother like fucking daughter." I snap into the phone. 

"This is what I mean. Your father ruined you, you have no right to speak to the one who gave you life with such disrespect." 

"And you have no right to be a such a bitch to your own daughter, but I guess things don't always work out how they want it to." I say, before hanging up the phone and throwing it down on the counter. "Fuck." I mutter, and then I look up to see Harry leaned against the door way. 

"C'mere." He says, holding his arms out for me. 

I walk over and hug him, burying my face into his shoulder and a few tears leave my eyes, but not many. I'm used to this shit by now, used to all the insults by her, used to her not being there for me, used to everything. 

which is the worst part. 

A/N: I like this chapter a lot, you just get like the first glance of songwriting and OH and Aria's mother. 

All in favor of Aria's Mom being a bitch say OH NO NIALL


anyway's, ily all, and I maaaaayyyy double update but I might not, it really all depends on how I'm feeling in a couple hours. 


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