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Aria's POV:

I walked up to the porch I was so familiar with a few months ago, but now seemed so odd that I was back. I reached the door and held my hand up to knock, but pause, seeing a note stuck to the door.

It's open, I'm in the music room.

My first thought when I see that is how dumb he is leaving that out so everyone knows the door is unlocked. So I twist the handle and push the door open, pulling the note off and shutting the door behind me, locking it.

I hear a faint sound of piano playing from the music room in the back of the house. I peek around the corner of the door frame quietly seeing Harry with his back turned, sitting at the piano bench and playing a soft tune, singing to it.

"Don't you call him baby...We're not talking lately..." his voice cracked a little and I could tell he was crying while he sang.  "Don't you call him what you used to call me..."

He continues his playing a little bit before coming to a slow stop, and he starts to get up from the bench when he sees me. "Oh...I'm sorry I didn't—"

"Oh no it's perfectly fine...I just...that song...was it about...."

"Yeah." He answered before I could finish my sentence.

"It was good." I say, sitting down in the chair next to the piano bench he sat back down at.

"Thanks." It goes quiet for a minute before he looks up again. "Aria, I know you've heard it a thousand times from me, and you probably don't want to hear it again, but I'm so so so fucking sorry for everything I've put you through these past few months. You didn't deserve a thing, but I miss you so much I can't stand being without you. I miss everything, your kisses, the way you called me baby, your smile, just being around you in general, I miss cuddling with you at night, I miss hearing your laugh, I miss fucking everything. And my life has been hell without all of that, I'm so sorry I hurt you, please—please—forgive me Aria."

I sit there, my hands crossed thinking about what he just said.

"Harry, I appreciate the apologies, but you have to understand you fucking hurt a lot." I say, the lump in my throat rising, but I try to swallow it. "And you can't just expect me to make everything go back to the way we were Harry, it's going to take time." I say. "I miss you. I miss you a lot, and I'm not afraid to admit that to you, I'm willing to try again with you if you want me to, but you need to get your shit together. We're not just gonna be right back to ok."

"Ok..." he says, pushing his lips to the side like he's thinking. "What if...what if we just start over. Start completely over..." then he looks as if an Idea just clicked in his head. "I've got an Idea, meet me at Resky's in an hour." He says, getting up from his chair and running out of the room.

Resky's. Resky's Bar. The place we first met.


I showed up at Resky's an hour later. I ended up going home and changing to something a little more fit for the bar. A tight black strappy dress. One that makes you feel like you constantly need to pull it down at the bottom, then back up at the top.

I walked into the bar and searched it for Harry

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I walked into the bar and searched it for Harry. But I couldn't find him. He was no where to be seen. So I decided to walk up to the counter and get a drink.

After I order I sit in the barstool and sip my drink, before someone runs into my shoulder. "Hey what the hell—Harry?!" I say seeing he ran into me and plopped back into the chair.

"Oh I'm sorry love, I didn't mean to, here, want me to pay for your drink to apologize?"

Then it hit me.

"Oh I'm sorry love, I didn't mean to, here, want me to pay for your drink to apologize?"

"Uhm...yeah....yeah sure, I'm Aria..."

"Uhm....yeah....yeah sure, I'm Aria..." I repeated like the first night we met.

Harry smiled at me and payed for my drink, giving me insane deja vu with every move he made. "So what do you do for work, love?" He asked me.

"I'm an editor for Vogue magazine." I respond, sipping my drink again and crossing my legs.

For the first time tonight I pay attention to what he's wearing. The. Exact. Same. Thing. He wore the first night we met.

We ended up talking for hours and hours just like we did the first night we met, we kept drinking and drinking and finally, we made our way to some private hallway with no one but a couple making out in the corner.

"Aria I think I want to kiss you."

"Aria I think I want to kiss you."

I smiled and started giggling. "I don't remember what I said, I was too damn drunk." I responded.

"Do it."

Harry mirrored my smile and leaned down to my ear and whispered "Can I kiss you."

I nodded, and the second I did his lips were attacked mine. Kissing me with both hunger and passion. He grabbed my hips and pulled me forward, closer to him, while his arms stretched around my body and hugged me at the same time he was still kissing me. "I missed you, Aria Townes. I missed you so fucking much."

A/N: this is cute and all but will it last??????

I guess we'll never knoooooowwwwww

Also!! Huuugggeee shoutout to @mycherrykiwi for commenting and reading Carolina. I—swear to god I'm not even kidding—post chapters and look forward to your comments, girl. Ilysm. You're amazing.

Have a good rest of your day guys!!!


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