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A/N: heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ok I have nothing to say.


Harry and I both stay frozen in time. Did he hear that too? Please tell me I'm the only one who heard that.

"Arianna!" The voice calls again.

"Fuck." I say, and start to get up, taking slow cautious steps towards the kitchen.

Once I'm right in front of the door I turn back to Harry. Goddamn he looks hot. His hair was pushed back out of his face, for a change, he was wearing a black, almost sheer button up with black jeans and Chelsea boots.

I turned and slowly pushed the door open. Seeing Kate leant against the counter, glass of wine in hand, and none other, than my mother. Across the kitchen.

My jaw hardens. "What. The actual fuck. Are you doing here."

"Well didn't you get my email? I told you before hand that I was coming." She said.

"Your idea of 'before hand' Is hours before?! What the fuck is wrong with you!"

"Arianna, that is no way to speak to your mother!" She calls back at me.

I clench my fists, but feel Harry's hand take mine, helping me relax. I look up to him with worried eyes, knowing my mom is going to be more than pissed off when she registers him, but he just silently nods. "I'm here for moral support." He whispers silently to me.

"Who is this. Arianna I told you not to bring any of your...hookups home." She says, with utter disgust.

"He isn't a hookup, mom." I snap, glaring at her. "He's my boyfriend."

My mother looks surprised, her eyes go wide and her hand comes to her chest and her jaw drops a little bit. "Arianna...I do not approve of this...this...this relationship."

"Excuse me? I don't need your approval." I say, my grip on Harry's hand tightening even more.

She gives him a once over, her tight eyes glaring at every part of Harry there is to show. "He looks violent, I don't want you getting hurt Arianna—"

"Oh bull shit!" I call, I almost laugh at her sentence when she says it. "First of all, there is nothing even remotely violent about Harry, He is one of the nicest guys I've ever met, he's very sweet 
and--" I pause, seeing as she isn't even listening and instead glaring at Harry. "Never mind, you're not even listening. There isn't any point. why the hell are you here." I say, cutting to the point. 

"I'm here, because  Eric called me, He misses you, Arianna, You were so selfish and--" 

"No." I say, cutting her off. "I'm not going back to him. I'm perfectly happy with Harry, whether you approve or not." I say, squeezing Harry's hand. 

She glares at Harry once more and I hear Harry gulp as he squeezes my hand again, before glancing over at me, as if asking permission. 

I nod, hoping this is going where I think it's going. 

"Can I ask why you keep looking at me like that? I don't think I remember doing anything wrong." He says, a flat look and a monotone sound in his voice. 

My mother looks surprised by the fact that he spoke, it's obvious by the look on her face. I'm the only one who has ever stood up for myself against my mother, everyone else is mostly too scared to. 

"Now I know where Arianna gets her attitude..." My mom says faintly under her breath. 

"Asking you why you keep glaring at me is in no way 'attitude.'" Harry says, making air quotes. "I understand you like to judge and push people around a lot, but I refuse to let you do it to me, now if you can hold yourself together and be a normal human being for 10 seconds, I'd like you to answer my question." 

She pauses, not answering for a minute, probably trying to decide what to say, before she finally responds. "I'm glaring at you because I think you're a bad influence on my daughter, and she doesn't need anymore of that, she already has a prick of a father who--" 

"Get out." I cut her off. 

"Arianna I--" 

"Get out! Get out get out get the fuck out!!" I yell, letting go of Harry's Hand and throwing both of mine up in the air as I yell. 

"Fine. Maybe I will." 

"That would be absolutely heavenly." I say, as I watch my mother storm out of the kitchen and out the front door.

"God fucking dammit." I say, tangling my hands in my hair as I walk back to my bedroom. 

Harry walks in after me, shutting the door behind him. 

I Let out a settle laugh. "Meet my mother." I say, falling backwards on the bed. 

"She's quite the uhm...character." He says, a smile playing on his lips as he crawls over me and lightly presses his lips to mine. His right hand propping himself up over me on the bed, and his left on my thigh, his fingertips drawing little circles just above my knee. "Speaking of family and such, I'm going to London to film the music video for Kiwi, and while I'm there, I'm going to be spending a night in Holmes Chapel with my mum and sister, and...well...I want you to come with me." He said. 

"You what?" I ask. 

"Yea, I want you to meet my family, they'll love you to death I promise." 

"You're...sure you want them to meet...me?" I ask. 

"Why would I not?" 

"Well...I'm kind of...well...I don't know, I'm me." 

He smiles even more, kissing my lips again, and again, and again. "That's what I love most about you." 

"What that I'm me?" 

"Mhm" he kisses me again. 

I smile. "I think that's what I love most about you too." 

"Good." He says, kissing me once more before pulling himself from the bed above me. He walks to my dresser and opens one of my drawers, rummaging though it. "So you'll go? You'll come with me to meet my mum and sister?" He checks again. 

"Yeah, uhm, Harry what are you doing?" 

"I'm grabbing you some clothes to bring to my house, you're staying with me a few days, remember?" He asks. 

"Oh yeah, I forgot, kinda got all caught up in the crazy mom thing." I say and he smiles at me. 

I grab a bag from my closet and bring it over, he helps me pack, while he tells me about his mum and sister. 

Then my phone dings. 



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