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A/N: Hiiii!!!! I have a couple shout outs for the authors note on this chapter.

Shout Outs for Voting:

Shout Outs for Comments:

Shout Outs for Adding Carolina to a Reading List:

Lmk if I missed anybody!! I love each and every one of you more than anything!!!

Oh and one more thing.


Ok, here is your chapter:

"Baby." Harry whispered faintly as he kissed my neck lightly. "Wake up, love." He continued, a soft tone in his voice.

"Mmm." I hummed in response as I reached up and wrapped my arms around Harry's body.

He was laying directly on top of me, already dressed and ready. And...

"You're wearing cologne?" I ask, sounding more surprised than I meant too. "What's the occasion?" I joke.

"We're going somewhere today." He mumbles. "Somewhere you'll love."


"Mhm." He presses his lips softly to my jawline before he lifts himself up from the bed and walks to my suitcase. "You should wear this." He tells me, pulling out a pair of shorts, a crop top, and a lacy cardigan. "I'll be downstairs, get all hot and pretty." He jokes.

"No promises. I could come down there looking like a troll." I smile as he walks back to the bed looking down at me.

"Not possible." He says, before his smile grows even more. "How'd I get so lucky with you."

I feel my cheeks burn and I pull the covers over my face, hiding the smile that he has forced on my face.

He pulls them back though, kissing my lips. "Come down when your ready." He say, kissing me again, and again, and a few more times before he turns away and walks out of the room, shutting the door behind me.

I smile to myself and pull my body away from the mattress and change into the outfit. I go into the master bathroom in the bedroom and do my makeup, nothing much, just a bit of eye shadow, mascara and eyeliner. Then I start on my hair, pulling it into two tight french braids.

Once I'm done I slip on my vans and trot down the stairs, seeing Harry spread out on the couch, talking with his mom. He doesn't hear me at first and I slowly walk in.

"She's a sweet girl, definitely someone I've pictured you with." Anne says, smiling at him.

"Thanks mum. I really want things to work out between her and I." He says, and I lean against the wall, out of sight and continue eves dropping. "I like her a lot. Some may say I even love her."

I feel myself smiling even more and I wrap my arms around my stomach, trying to contain the butterflies, even though it doesn't do much at all.

"I can tell. You're different around her. Different in a good way, she brings out a side of you I've never seen, I like seeing you like that." Anne says, and I can almost hear the smile in her voice.

"Thanks mum." He says again. That's when I finally decide it's time to come around the corner.

"Hey beautiful." He says, turning around on the couch and smiling at me.

"Hi." I say, coming around and sitting down next to him. His arm stretches around the back of my shoulders.

"Ready to go, love?" He asks me.

"Yup." I respond.

"Good. We have to be there by 10." He says, standing up and holding his hands out for me to take, to then pull me off the couch.

"Bye mum, love you." He says, as he interlocks out fingers and walks with me out the front door.

"Love you too, H, have fun." She smiles, giving a soft wave.

I nod and I'm pulled out the door. Once we're in the car we start driving through the cute small town. "Can you tell me where we're going now?" I ask him.

"Remember when we went to that beach party that one time, when we first met." He asks.

"The one where I got so drunk I didn't even remember going home with you? Ya, I remember...well...the first half." I giggle a little.

He laughs a little with me and reaches over to rest his hand on my thigh. "Well I know you don't remember, but that was the first night you saw my butterfly tattoo, and you told me that you had always wanted a butterfly tattoo."

"I've always wanted a butterfly tattoo. I've just never had the chance to get one."

"Oh...oh yea..." I said slightly.

"And I told you that I would take you to get one, sometime."

"I...I can take you sometime...if you want."


"Yup. So I scheduled for us to get tattoos while we were here." He said, pulling into a small shop that had Ringley's Tattoo and Piercing

"You did not!" I say, as he shuts the car off.

"Well we're here aren't we?" He asks, opening his car door and coming around to the other side, and opening to door for me, helping me out.

I smile, and kiss him once I get out. "Thank you." I say, feeling a warmth shake through my body.

He just responds my kissing my temple as his arm stretches around my shoulders and he walks with me into the shop. Pulling the door open.

The very tatted woman behind the counter looks up at Harry and I as we walk in.

"Styles." He says. She nods and flips through her book.

"Ya, come on, we can see you now." She says, walking with us to the back of the shop, and we got to a tattoo chair.

She pulls up a rolly stool and gestures for one of us to sit. Harry smiles at me. "Do you want to go first or do you want me too?" He asks.

"I'll go." I say, excited like a kid about to go on a roller coaster.

Harry takes a seat next to the chair and I sit down. "Any idea what you want love?" The tattoo artist asks me.

"A butterfly, right here." I say, pointing to a spot on my inner arm.

"Just any old butterfly or something special?" She asks.

"Just any old butterfly." I say.

She sketches something real quick then turns the paper. "This ok?"

"Perfect!" I say smiling

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"Perfect!" I say smiling.

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