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A/N: guessssssss whattttttt

I'mmmmmm bbbbbaaaaaacccccckkkkk

Btw, I just wanted to say thank you so fuckin' much for 170 reads. I love you all more than I love freaking peanut butter.

That means I love you a lot. Just ask LilBiBitch 


I rocked back and fourth on my feet, as I picked at my nails and decided to knock one more time. I was more so banging on the door rather than knocking, it was 1 a.m. and I knew he would be asleep.

Once he opened the door, I opened my mouth to say something, but stopped. he was wearing sweatpants, and his tattoo's on display. his hair in a mess on his head, falling down in his face and even though he tries to blow it out, it just ends up falling back into the same place. at that moment I had completely forgotten what I had come so early to say and rushed forward, crashing my lips with his soft ones.

He didn't even hesitate to kiss me back. We wanted to have that feeling again. The feeling of swollen lips and throbbing heads.

He pulled me in the house and shut the door with his foot. I fumbled my way to the couch with him he wouldn't let me go even if I wanted to, and he kept our lips connected. And we fell, down towards the couch, me on my back, and him crashing above me.

He kissed me with passion and I loved it. God I wanted to fuck him so bad. I wanted to feel him again, I wanted to feel what I felt that first night, that first night that fucking started it all. I just wanted to--

beep beep beep beep beep beep

My heavy eyes lifted open as the scorching alarm I forgot I set went off.

what the hell?

why did I set that?

I reached over to grab my phone but it wasn't going off, the sound was from the other side of the room. Fuck I just wanted it off, it's not making my hungover headache feel any better. I rolled over and am met with someone. not Harry this time.


He had bright blonde hair and to be honest he kinda looked like Austin Moon, but definitely wasn't. I shook him a little bit causing him to jump up.

"Hey fuck head your alarm is going off." I said, before rolling back over and pulling a pillow over my ears.

"What's with the attitude, babe?" He asked me, as he reached over and turned off the alarm. "Want me to fuck it away for you?" he tells me before rolling over and wrapping his arm around my waist and rolling his hips against my behind. "M'still pretty hard from you. been thinkin' bout' you all night." He whispers.

"ahh." I moan slightly. I think about saying no, I really really consider it, especially after that weird ass dream I just fucking had. But that dream was probably just because I got drunk last night and I was still horny, even after Mr. Moon had fucked me. which granted, I have no memory of. just bringing him home.

"S'that a yes, Ari?" He asks me, an amused smirk on his face, and I nod in response. "Wonderful..." He coos, before rolling me onto my back and crawling on top of me.


After the hot blondie left, I showered. damn I needed it. the hot water felt heavenly on my skin and I swear to god and everything good it was the most relaxing thing I've done all week. It was Sunday. Friday I went to that party with Harry, then apparently came home with Harry drunk as fuck, Saturday I woke up at Harry's and he was acting really weird, he took me home and I hung out with Kate all day, which followed with going to some club in L.A. and getting drunk as fuck, to then take home what's-his-face and probably fucked all night long. now it's Sunday, so far I have woke up from a strange dream and a pounding headache, fucked blondie, and now showered. what even is my life anymore. I guess it's fine, I'll probably just get drunk as fuck and go to work hungover tomorrow.

Good lord my mother would be livid with my fucked up morals.

oh well.

I shaved, washed and felt that glorious feeling of the water in my pours before deciding to get out. I walked in my room and went for my dresser, pulling out a pair of shorts, a graphic tee, underwear and a bralette. Once I changed I heard my phone go off.

From Harry:
sent at 10:25 p.m.
What are your plans today, Towns?

I smiled. why did I smile?

To Harry:
sent at 10:26 p.m.
Not sure I have any, what about you, Styles.

From Harry:
Sent at 10:27 p.m.
I was hopin' to take you for lunch??? If your up for it, that is.

To Harry:
Sent at 10:28 p.m.
Am I up for it? Do you know who you're talkin' to Mr. Harry Styles?

From Harry:
Sent at 10:29 p.m.
That's what I thought...see you at 12?

To Harry
Sent at 10:30 p.m.
On the dot ;)

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