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A/N: Your Bitch is back babbbyyyyyy.


We walked out of her office with messy clothes and My arm wrapped around her waist. Honestly after what just happened in that room, I'm surprised she could walk out of there.

When we walked passed the reception desk, We caught the eyes of Aria's secretary, Sandy I believe her name is, and the reception lady at the desk. Aria gulped and pulled my arm away from her waist, looking down to the ground before walking a bit ahead of me.

Was she....embarrassed by me?

We got out to my car and she got in to the passenger side and buckled her seatbelt without a word. The car ride was silent. like always, but it was a different silence. it was an uncomfortable silence that had me aching to know what she was thinking about. "Harry....can we...uhm-" She starts after a good 5 minutes of driving. "Can we go to your house instead?"

"Yeah sure....uhm, Aria, are you alright?" I asked her, glancing over at her as I continued to drive. She shrugged her shoulders but didn't say anything. "Aria."

"I'm ok, ok. I just...I'm thinking shit over." She says, not looking me in the eye and keeping her gaze locked on the window, seeing all the passing cars.

"Thinking what shit over, you know you can talk to me right, Ar?" I reach over and turn the radio down, trying to show her that I am giving her my full attention...well...as much attention I can give her when you're driving.

"I told you I'm ok."

"You don't seem ok."

"Well you seem like you're paying attention to the road so why don't you shut up and do that." She snaps, pulling her legs up and hugging them to her chest, before she whispers a quite "i'm sorry."

"I-It's fine." I mumble, doing as I'm told and shutting my mouth and looking at the road infront of me.

Damn, Harry. Where the hell did your confidence from earlier go?

"It's not fine. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that, you're just trying to help me." She says, her voice cracking and I don't have to see her face to know that tears are welling up.

I sigh and turn the corner, driving up the long driveway to my neighborhood. I move one hand over and grab hers, interlocking our fingers together and bringing to my lips, softly kissing her skin before I rest our hands in the center console and I rub small patters on her hand as I continue to drive. "Please don't cry, Ar." I whisper, but she doesn't say anything, She just starts silently crying to herself, her face turned away from me.

When we pull into my driveway, I let go of her hand getting out of the car before I come around to her side of the car and open the door, the second I do she takes me by surprise and gets out wrapping her arms around my shoulders and giving silent sobs into my shoulder. I wrap my arms around her torso and rub my hand up and down her back. "It's ok, love, everything is ok." I whisper comforting words to her.

She pulls back and looks at me, red puffy eyes and wetness in her eyes. it breaks my heart a little seeing her like that. "I'm sorry." She whispers.

"Don't apologize, love." I say, pulling my hands up to cup her face. "M'always here for you." I say, smiling softly at her before I pull her face forward and kiss her forhead.

"No, No, it isn't that." She says, reaching up to wipe her eyes. "I...I...T-The other night I..." She swallows, more tears pricking at her eyes.

"Aria...What Happened?" I ask her, reaching up to push her hair out of her face as nervous butterflies start to form in mu stomach from how hard she is crying and the fact that she did something that she feels the need to apologize to me for.

"I...I slept with him...and he...he texted me and...I'm sorry I'm so so sorry." She cries. The second her words leave her mouth I already feel I know what's coming. It hurts.

Something they never tell you as a kid is when you get heartbroken. your heart actually hurts. It's a pain that is indescribabale. the want to have a person even if they are right infront of you.

Tears prick at my eyes as she continues to speak. "I'm sorry. I didn't think it was a bad thing when it happened because at that point I didn't want anything more than a sexual relationship with you but....but...." She stops, more sobs breaking from her eyes.

She doesn't want anything more than a sexual relationship with me?

I still held her in my arms, running my fingers through her hair in a calming way despite the fact that she was slowly ripping my heart to pieces with her words.

"But...That was before I fell for you." She sobs, crying hard. "I'm sorry, Harry. I shouldn't have-- I-I-I" She gives up on what she is trying to say as more heaves of breath leave her mouth while she tries to catch her breath, I continue to stand there and listen to all the words leaving her mouth and I try to process what the hell is going on.

"I'd take it back I-If I c-c-coul-" I cut her off, pulling her forward and kissing her lips. That is the only thing I could do to tell her how I feel.

She did something she wishes she hadn't. I would have never found out about it unless she told me. She knew I wasn't gonna like it, but she told me anyways.

that shows nothing but loyalty, despite what she did.

This kiss is different though, It's not like the other ones we've shared. The others were heated make outs. this wasn't. this was a sweet and soft kiss. There was no sexual hunger of any kind. the only hunger the kiss showed, was the hunger for each other's love.

something I was willing to give.

Carolina (h.s.)Where stories live. Discover now