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Two Months Later

I sat in the bar with Kate, sipping my drink. I new that I needed to try. I couldn't do this bullshit with Harry anymore and I didn't want to, and it hurt like a bitch. But I was trying.  I was trying to get back on my feet.

Harry hadn't tried to call me in months and I took it as a sign. A sign that this wasn't going to work out between us and that I need to get over him.

I was tired of spending weeks at a time in my bed and I had fallen back in work again. My boss doesn't know, but sandy has scolded me many many times.

So I sat in the bar in a tight dress that hugged my body and showed off my curves. The whiskey in my hand was cold but nice. I hadn't gone out to a bar in so long and I needed this freedom again.

It almost gives me a feeling of nostalgia, sitting here again, but that's ok. It was a good time in my life. Before Harry.

I brought the glass to my lips and took a sip, the feeling of the drink gliding down my throat made me smile. "Aria Townes?" I hear behind me and I spin in my bar stool.

"That's me." I say, but my jaw drops when I see who's in front of me. "Eric?!"  I say sounding surprised.

"Hey, How are you?" He says. A sweet smile pulled onto his face as he sees me. Then he giggles. "Sorry, that's probably not the best way to respond, after not seeing each other for almost 6 years."

I'm not going to lie. He was hot.

His piercing blue eyes stood out even in the dimly lit bar, he now had a beard and his hair was clean cut and her wore a tux with black shoes.

", it's fine...uhm...I've been...ok." I say.

"You still do that same thing when you lie." He says. "Your leg starts bouncing and your fingers fidget, how have you actually been. A lot can happen in 6 years."

"Look, Eric, I'm not going to open up to you because you sat down in front of me and ask me how I'm doing." I snap, spinning back around in my chair to grab my drink.

"Sorry, you're right." He says, holding his hands up in defense. "How's that famous boyfriend of yours. Harry Styles? That's his name right?"

My jaw goes hard and I down the rest of my drink before loudly banging it back to the counter. "I'm done with this conversation." I respond, getting up from the stool and starting to walk off.

"Wait, Aria," he says, grabbing my wrist to stop me. "I'm sorry, I didn't know, I kind of suck at this small talk sort of thing, please don't walk away."

"Let go of me." I say, glaring at him.

"Are you going to storm away?" He asks me.

"Let. Go. Of. My. Arm." I repeat, but he doesn't. He just smirks and pulls me closer to him.

"No." He murmurs. "What are you going to
do about it."

The loud music boomed around us and I kept my eyes locked on his. His grip tightened around my wrist but I didn't move. I don't know what I want to do.

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