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A/N: I linked the song Ribs by Lorde because I feel like it just sets the mood for the very very beginning of this chapter. I'm not sure. Lmk. Also, Happy Last chapter. :) (yes there will be an epilogue so you still have that to look forward too)

We were that couple.

We were that couple that sat in the corner of the bar aimlessly making out as if no one else was there. We were lost in each other. Careless of the fact that we're in public. Lean't up against the wall while he stood over him his lips caressing mine in a smooth pattern made me feel a sense of deja vu.

I missed him.

He then pulled away from me in an abrupt manner and grabbed my hand, pulling me through the crowd, pushing past people while pulling me behind him.

"Harry what are you—oh shit." I say as I almost trip over my own feet for how fast he's pulling me.

He started at a slow jog running past people dragging me along with him while I slowly stumbled behind him trying to keep up his pace.

I start giggling as he pulls me through crowds of sweaty bodies dancing together and then finally we make it to the back door of the bar. He gives me a side glance before he pushes the door open and continues running with me behind him.

"Harry! Slow down!" I say, but he doesn't. He just keeps going keeping our hands linked as the cool air almost wraps around our bodies while he pulls me through the gravel Alley.

Then he lets go of my hand, running forward and out of my sight. "Harry?" I call, spinning around to where I last saw him. "Harry where did you go?" I giggle, looking behind trees and different objects a body could hide behind.

Then I feel his arms stretch around my waist and his lips attach to my neck, feathering little kisses along my neck.

"I'm so sorry I hurt you, Aria. Please, Please, Please, don't let me do it again." He spoke softly.

"Never in my life." I said, spinning in his arms to let my hands rest on his soft cheeks, giving him a reassuring smile, and I kissed him.

"So what does this mean? For...for us?" He asked me, an innocent look in his eyes.

"I think...I think it means we'll figure it out. I think I'm not ready to jump back into the relationship with you yet, but that doesn't mean I don't want to spend time with you anymore. It doesn't mean I need space, it just means I need to put thought into it. Ok?"


"Good." I smiled, and I kissed him.

"Aria..." he said.


"We fucked everything up."

My face dropped confused. "What do you mean?"

"I mean after I kissed you, I was supposed to ask you if—" I cut him off, kissing him again.

"I don't want to repeat it. I don't want to repeat what we already did. I want us to make new memories. Do things differently."

He smiled "I love you Aria Townes."

"I love you too, Harry Styles."

A/N: this is a double update, go read the second chapter...

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