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A/N: sorry this chapter is a tad late, I was working on my new book. Which isn't out yet but it's going to be something differ than I usually do. Anyways enjoy :)

This is bad.

This is very bad.

We just got home from our little trip, and Harry's been acting...sweet...

too sweet.

Ever since we fucked in the car, straight to the point, no teasing or anything of the sort, things have been different, and not in a good way.

He's been doing things for me he doesn't usually do. We got home and he decided it would be a good idea to watch a movie.

"I have to unpack and put my stuff--"

"I'll do it, you relax, you deserve it." He cuts me off, a sweet innocent looking smile on his face as he takes my suitcase from my hands and walking up the stairs.

I give him a look of suspicion, and he just gives me a bigger smile. I rolled my eyes and took off my uncomfy jeans, leaving me in Harry's t-shirt and I head to the living room to put on a movie as he suggested.

I curled up with a blanket and played the movie, watching it silently as I heard some shuffling from upstairs. then Harry comes down in his usual lounging attire, sweatpants and no shirt. I smile and him and he returns it before sitting down and letting his arm wrap around my shoulder.

this is where is get weird...

once we're about half way through the movie, He gets up, grabs my ankles and tugs me across the couch, pulling me on my back and letting a surprised scream out of my mouth. he takes two seconds to rip through my underwear and bury his face between my legs, giving me no warning and leaving me, surprised, breathless, and speechless, other than moans.

Then! The second I finally get a little more comfortable with it and start rocking my hips against his tongue, he pull away, sitting back up, and taking the same position we were in before, although this time he is quietly wiping his mouth with his other hand.

I look at him, wide eyed and my jaw hitting the floor. "Are you fucking kidding me?!"

He just smirks to himself. "What's wrong baby?"

"What's wrong?! What is wrong with you Harry!?" I say, but he just keeps his eyes locked on the tv.

"Shh, I'm trying to watch." He cuts me off.

"Whatever, I'm going to make popcorn." I say, getting up and going into the kitchen.

I grab a bag of popcorn from the cabinet and pop it in the microwave and lean against the counter waiting for it to finish. Then he walks in again, He takes my hand in his and spins me around like a ballerina.

I smile at the cute gesture for a minute until in two point five seconds I've got my face pressed against the counter and his fingers working themselves inside of me.

"Ahh, fuck, Harry--" He pulls them away.

Walking out of the kitchen whistling to himself like the little peppy asshole he is.

"Harry." I whine.

"Oh I'm sorry, did you want something, baby?" He asks me.

"Yes." I whine again.

"Use your words love."

"Fuck me please, baby."

"Hmh," He says, putting his thumb and forefinger on his chin as he looks at the ceiling. "I'm not in the mood." He shrugs and walks out of the kitchen continuing his little whistling tune.


well guess what, two can play at that game.

I run upstairs and change real quick. nothing exciting. just a silk robe with nothing underneath, before jogging down the stairs. (A little more aggressively than I normally do.)

I catch Harry's eyes immediately and he gazes over what I was wearing. "What is that."

I smirk. "A robe."

"Well obviously." He says, shifting in his seat. "What's under it."

"Nothing, so what were we having for dinner tonight?" I asked smoothly and pretended I wasn't doing this purposely.

He got up and walked over to me, taking my hand and leading me to the couch. "I'm not sure what your having but I know I want this sweet little thing called Aria." He said, his hand going towards the ribbon on the robe.

I stop his hand though. "I'm not in the mood." I say, wiggling from his grip and walking into the kitchen. A very smug smile on my face.

I see the reflection of his face, his jaw practically on the floor as I walk away.

He lets out a breathy laugh. "Touché"

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