
319 8 0

September 13, 2017

Harry's POV:

Aria knocked on the door and it was opened by a middle aged woman about my mums age, she smiled when she saw Aria. "Aria! It's so good to see you love!" She says, pulling her into a hug. 

"You too Allie!" Aria responded, "Oh Al, this is my boyfriend, Harry. Harry, my sister Allison." 


"Erm, nice to meet you Allison, I'm Harry." I said, and reached my hand out to shake hers. 

"Come in, you guys, Dad is in the living room watching the ball game." Allison said, walking in, Aria gave me a trusting smile and took my hand, leading me in the house. We walked through and saw an old man sitting in a recliner chair while the TV blared the sound of an American football game. 

"Ari!" The man says, and he pushes down the recliner chair and slowly stands up, he grabs a cane next to the chair and walks over to Aria, giving her a big hug. "I missed you, sweet-pea." He says, squeezing her tight. 

"I missed you too, pop." Aria says. 

"Well who's the hunk you brought with you." He says, and Aria giggles.

"A real hottie isn't he." She says. "This is my boyfriend Harry, baby, this is my dad." She says, grabbing my hand again and walking me over to her dad. 

"It's really nice to meet you, Sir, your daughter is a wonderful person." I say, shaking his hand. 

"Oh I know, she's great isn't she?" He says. "You like football, son?" 

"Depends who's on?" I say, pretending not to be excited at his little nickname. 

"Packers, only the best team." He says and I smile. 

"Oh, 100%" I say, sitting down next to the recliner and pretend to pay attention to the game, but in reality I'm looking at Aria, who has the sweetest smile on her face. 

My god I love her so much. 

She doesn't know that though. 

My phone dings and I pick it up. 

Sent at 5:24 pm
Did you tell her? 

I roll my eyes, why did he have to remind me. 

Sent at 5:26 pm
No, I'm going to though. 

Sent at 5:27 pm
You better, she deserves to know. 

I sigh and look back up, although it's hard to concentrate on anything that's going on in the game when you have something heavy on your shoulders like that. 

"You ok?" Aria asks me, her hand running across my shoulders in a calming way. 

Tell her. 

"Yeah, I'm ok." 

Stupid boy. 


She's giving you a second chance, tell her.

"Promise, You're really pretty, how'd I get so lucky." I say, pulling her close to me and kissing her lips, watching as she blushes. 

And then I feel even worse. I always have, all week. every time I kiss her I feel even worse. It's not even that big of a deal but I am so nervous to tell or...ask her really, it's more of a question. But it's such a scary one and it shouldn't be, that's the problem it shouldn't be a scary question yet it's so terrifying, she intimidates me so much and I don't understand why. 

"Pop, Did you take your meds?" Allison said, peeping her head into the living room. 

"Ali you are not my ma, don't be all up in my business." 

"Did you take your meds, pop." Aria said. 

"Yes, sweet-pea." He answers her immediately. 

Allison walks out of the room a smile and a head shake. "Favorite child." 

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