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also another little surprise. ;)

Harry's POV:

"When are we gonna get ttthhhheeerrreee." She complained after atleast three hours of driving.

"Right....now." I say, pulling into a drive way. It was a beautiful beach. Crowded with people as the sun was setting.

"I thought we had to be there at 1:30?"

"We did. But I decided to take the long way and be fashionably late." I tell her, shooting a smile her way.

"Uhm....Harry....Fashionably late is like an hour late. It's 5:30."

"We're really fashionably late." I say, parking the car and coming around to her door, taking her hand and helping her out of the car.

Something snapped her attention. I looked around, but then looked confused. "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

She stayed quiet for a second and held her finger to her lips, gesturing for me to be quiet as well. But all we heard were laughs and yells of people on beach. "Hmh. I guess it was nothing." She said.

"Harry!" Someone called and took our attention away from the sound.

Alex, A man with bright green eyes, those cliché Hawaiian swim shorts, and black flip flops was walking over. He was short. Like 5"5 I believe "Wassup, my dude." He says, pulling me into some kind of make shift hug.

"Hey, Alex." I says. I look over and see Aria looking very uncomfortable looking.

Alex liked to surf. Yeah. He surfs. As cliché as it sounds for how he dresses and being so short, it's true."Al, this is my uh..." I starts, wrapping my arm around Aria's shoulders and pulling her closer to me, but I stop for a second, my brows furrowing.

What do I introduce her as?

I want to be more than friends but does she?

Will she be hurt if I introduce her as I friend?

"This is Aria." I say, changing the sentence.

I guess that works too.

"Sup, Aria." Alex says holding his hand out for her to shake.

She nod, shaking it. "Hi." She says, she is so gorgeous, and every time I hear her voice I remember that.

"So are you like...Harry's girlfriend or something?" He asks her.

Dammit Alex.

"Or something." She says.

Wait what.

She sees us as more than friends? Is that what I'm getting at here?

Wait. Slow down. Let me catch up.

Is this going as smooth as I want it too???

"Sick, dude." He says, playfully punching me in the shoulder. "Look, dudes, I gotta bounce, there is a beach volleyball game I'm killin' to get in on, but there's punch and some alcoholic beverages if your inta that. Later dudes." He says before running down the beach screaming the lyrics of Life Is A Highway.

"He seems....interesting..." she say as her and I start to walk down to the beach.

"Yeah...yeah yeah definitely..." I say, walking a decent distance from her.

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