
883 16 5

A/N: OMG SHUT UP. We're nearly at 180 reads. Y'all are amazing. I love y'all to pieces.

At exactly 12:00 Harry knocked on my door. I opened it to see him smiling, hair in his face—as always—, and a gorgeous—


why would I use the word 'gorgeous' in a sentence with Harry. I mean there was no doubt he is attractive, but I don't melt over his attractiveness...

Then why am I even here?

I mean he obviously likes me. There is no doubt about that, but I don't like him, so then what is the point of me being here, in the car with him, going to lunch.

I suddenly feel guilty for sleeping with the Disney star last night and this morning. I don't know why I feel guilty, it's not like I like him or anything, but I can't get it out of my head. that disgusting feeling in my stomach.

Harry doesn't understand that I'm not right for him. We're complete opposites...right?

The car ride was silent so I pulled my phone out real quick. "When's your birthday." I said opening my zodiac app.

"February 1st...why?" He says, his eyes not leaving the road.

"Just curious." I respond picking the Aquarius sign, before clicking on Leo next.

Wow Aria, using star signs to solve all your problems.

Aquarius is the seventh sign in astrology, positioning, and is the opposite sign to Leo. Opposite signs of astrology are not what most people will perceive as either "the opposites attract" or signs that have nothing in common-

"Blah blah blah." I mumble quietly to myself, skipping through a bit.

In astrology, opposite signs are like opposite sides of a coin. They are quite similar and are concerned with the same things. It's just they are oriented toward that same thing from the opposite directions.

I furrow my brows and continue reading a bit.

Most chances are that the relationship with either succeed or fail drastically.


Aquarius intellectual inquisitiveness may attract Leo.

Ha. Yeahhhh

Both are similar in being self-centered and determined. You often fight over mundane issues, that are social and philosophical in nature. Leo cannot stand Aquarius distant nature, likewise, Aquarius cannot put up with—

"Whatcha readin' over there, Towns?" He asks, leaning over and but, but I turn the phone away.

"Nothing....just....astrology shit." I say, mumbling the last part before closing my phone.

"So where are we going? For lunch I mean?" I ask, tapping my fingers on my leg, which I noticed was now bouncing from the tension of what I was reading.

"It's a surprise." He says, before winking at me. And just like all our other drives together, the last bit was silent.

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