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We laid under the apparent Canyon Moon and I cuddled closer to Harry. It was freezing, and when your not wearing clothes, it's even colder.

"You ok?" He asks me after a long silence. "After what happened this morning with the whole Instagram fiasco."

"There is a fine line between Ok and Not ok but I'll live."

"Why do people always say that?" He asks me.

"Fine line?"

"Yeah, like they can't decide between A and B, You know what I think? I think some things are that fine line."

I smile. "I think we're that fine line."

"We are aren't we." He responds, pulling me closer to him and I smile even more.

September 12 2017

I walked out of my office and waved at Sandy on the way out, however she stopped me, gesturing for me to come over to her.

"Hey." She says.

"Hey." I respond.

"Wanna explain this, love?" He asks me, showing me the Instagram picture of Harry and I.

"Oh yeah, we're dating, speaking of, he's here to pick me up, can I go now?" I ask.

Sandy rolls her eyes and nods. "Don't let him get in the way of your job though, Aria, I mean it."

"I know I know." I brush off and I walk out the door and am met with harry, who's arm immediately swings around my shoulder as we walk to the car, he kisses me before he says anything at all.

"We're going to a bar with Kate." He says.

"Oka--OKAY!" I respond, not expecting that at first.

We get home and I change into something more fit to where we're going; A tight fit black dress with sequins and heels.

Harry said I gave his eyes an orgasm, so I guess I looked pretty good.

We picked up Kate and Harry called a cab saying we'll all probably be insanly drunk by the time we're done and that none of us would be able to drive home. the cab took us to a very fancy bar. Harry said you need some kind of card to get in and it's mainly for people in the celebrity side, it was very private for the most part.

We got out of the car and Harry took my hand, instantly we're met with camera flashes and I feel so in power. I smile as we walk into the bar.

"You ok?" He asks me, squeezing my hand even tighter.

"Never better." I smile and he kisses me.


"Aww, so sweet, so Harry you're paying for drinks right?" Kate asks as she heads towards the counter.

That night was one of the most eventfull nights of my life. I met a lot of celebrities and got so drunk I'm surprised I didn't puke in a plant. It was weird doing this sort of thing again. I used to do this every night before I was with Harry, and It always ended the same way, with me bringing some guy home to fuck.

Now it wont be some guy though, just Harry.

I don't wanna say I missed it because when I did do this sort of thing It wasn't exactly the most ideal type of life, however I did feel a bit nostalgic by going out and partying again, except it was even more fun when a guy hit on me and I just said "I have a boyfriend." Which a few months ago I would have been all about it.

Kate had the time of her life though, dancing with a bunch of random girls, the drink in her hand always full, and in the .5 seconds it wasn't she was at the counter snapping her fingers and double checking that Harry was still paying the tab.

interesting woman she is.

Harry and I didn't last long. after about an hour of drinking and dancing I was pulled into a bathroom and fucked against the door. which was fine I was ok with that. I mean who wouldn't be?

Then we went back out and we're both done and ready to go home, but Kate wasn't, so we agreed that Kate would either find some chick to take her home or get a cab. I'm not worried about her, I may have stopped partying, but Kate definitely hasn't, this is till her every-night.

The cab took us home and we tumbled our drunk asses in the house, making a stop at the kitchen and surprise surprise, pouring ourselves glasses of wine.

yes, more alcohol. we slept like baby's that night.

That just created some good ol' Harry/Aria drunk talks, which was mostly about sex.

then after that, we crashed. we were practically dead in the covers and tangled against each other.

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