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After we came back into the living room, we didn't hang out much longer until Sarah and Mitch left, it was getting late and I wanted to go to bed. It had been a long day. I made a mental list of all the things I'd done today:

-Work. All. Fucking. Day.
-Got fucked in my office.
-Tears and confession and apparently I became a girlfriend too.
-I fucked my apparent boyfriend in the bathroom of his house.
-I met my apparent boyfriends best friends and gained two good friends.
-My bitch of a mother called me, solely because she wanted to insult me.

what a fun filled day.

Oh and I had work the next day too.

Harry and I went up to bed and that was honestly the best part of the night, snuggling close to him while we talked quietly to each other and he ran his fingers through my hair. I was still getting used to the whole 'girlfriend--boyfriend' thing. The last time I had a boyfriend I was 18. I don't usually do well in relationships, so I've just survived on one night stands for almost 6 years.

This is weird as fuck but it's also different. The last time I had a boyfriend his name was Eric, and he was introduced to me, by my mother. He was a sweet guy, got good grades and was nice to me and everyone I knew and had gotten accepted into Harvard and was planning to be a lawyer. (i.e. the main reason my mom was ok with me dating him.) He was super religious and the perfect person for me, as my mom saw him.

However I was a horny and rebellious teenager who wanted to fuck, but he didn't want that, saying 'pre-marital sex isn't good and will only mess up your life and blah blah blah.' I told him he was absolutely ridiculous and that he sounded like my mother, and he said I should take her advice once and a while, which pissed me off so I broke up with him after 4 years of being together and went to live with my dad.

I hadn't contacted my mom since. she had tried to call me multiple times, but I never answered, I was the exact opposite of what she wanted me to be. If I hadn't left Eric that day and moved in with my dad, I would have been married to Eric, and I would have probably been just finishing law school to go work for my step dads company, like my mom had always wanted me to.

But I'm not. and I think about how fucking glad I am that, that's true about ever single day.

When we woke up the next morning Harry and I came to the conclusion that I would go to work, then after He would pick me up and take me to my house, where I'll pack some clothes and grab my car and come stay with Harry for a couple days, just for fun.

I walked into the office, actually put together this morning and on time. I waved at Barbra at reception and walked to my office. However I was surprised to see Sandy sitting there disappointed, again. "What now." I asked, sitting down at my desk and opening my computer, and logging into the website.

"Don't 'What now' me, Aria, you know what I'm gonna say."

"Actually I don't--Look, I had a very stressful day yesterday, and I'd like today to be better, so can this wait?" I ask her.

"No, It can't. You can't hook up with guys in the office, Aria. We've talked about this."

"Look, It wont happen again, I can guarantee that." I say, and I always say it wont happen again, but it's always been a lie, because I knew it would happen again, but this time I mean it, because I only have Harry now.

no one else.

"You say that every time, Aria, you can't keep doing this, you'll get fired."

The only reason I wasn't getting fired was because I was sleeping with the manager.

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