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                      JIMIN P.O.V

my eyes widened in surprised as i saw Kim taehyung standing there grinning cheekily at us.he wore a tight ripped jeans that shows all of it's curves with a blue oversize shirt and a blue bandana on his head.

he has a thick,beautiful brow with eyelashes and a mole on his lower lip anyone could be envious of such a symmetrical face can make a model dumb founded and with that kissable lips of his he look like a Greek god.

To me,he look like epitome of beauty.

"so are you done checking me out" taehyung taunts with a playful smirk tugging on his lips.

"w-what do you mean,i'm not staring"I stuttered out and i want to nothing more but to smacked myself right now for stuttering since I know I didn't do anything wrong but I can't help it and I couldn't not understand what I'm feeling right now and why this two jerks are making me feel this way,just with their presence.

I watched as taehyung slowly walked towards me and jungkook slowly release me as he walks to the side.

i felt myself want to crawl into a hole right now as taehyung scanned me from head to toe with that flirtatious grin on his pretty lips and what made it more worse was that intent look jungkook was giving us.

"oh really then why are blushing,your ears is red"Tae mused and i screamed internally since I know he wasn't really lying,I'm a blushing mess right now and yoongi words started to rings in my ear as I continue to doubt whether I'm slowly losing this game.

I stare in shock and quickly shuffled back when i realized taehyung was still coming closer to me and with no place to run off to,of course i have to be trap in this god damn wall again, fuck my life,fuck my height,fuck everything.

"I'm not blushing and stay back"I warned glaring at him while I was grinning internally praising myself for not stuttering this time meanwhile I'm trying my hardest best to calm my stupid heart from racing and why is it suddenly so stuffy in here i'm so pathetic to be feeling this way to Kim bastard and jeon jerk.

"oh really"he mused as he leaned closer to my ear and by this time my legs has started trembling as I felt his hot breath fanning my ear and I swear I can almost feel his lips brushing my ear."i think you're lying"he whispered seductively as he started leaning closer to my lip.

"it can't be what am thinking right,oh no i can't let that happen"

i panicked internally since our faces is only few inches apart and my face crossed to jungkook and the male was watching us with a crossed arms and I found it hard to read his facial expressions since he was staring blankly at us.

i panickly pushed taehyung away sending him a glare there's no way i'm letting this jerk have his way with me.

"What the hell are you doing"i shout at him even though am a blushing mess and to my dismay taehyung laughed as if he was actually playing with me.

"wow you got a strength right there tiny"he commented with a smirk and i want nothing more in this moment but to choked him to death as i watch him fixing his clothes.

I now understand why people called him a fuck boy because he totally deserve the title and his flirting is on another level,he was more like a professional womanizer.

"who are you calling tiny"i spoke up placing both hands on my hips as I scrunched my face in anger which I failed miserably since I look more like a cute mochi right now I watched as how taehyung was trying to control his laughter while jungkook was sighing from time to time I could tell he didn't like to be here.

"you of course,you let that boy kiss you"he pointed at jungkook who stand at one corner of the room like a statue pressing his phone as if we didn't exist.

"w-what are you saying k-kiss"I barked out at him as I feel the blush crawling onto my cheeks again.

"awwn you are so cute,being all shy like that"

"Stupid Kim fucking taehyung i'm not shy"I yelled stomping my feet on the ground in anger as I send him a hard look.

And what irritated me the most is the fact he was shruggly at me as if what I was saying is meaningless to him and he keep getting on my nerves I know screaming won't do and I know i should just ignore this jerk but i can't lose to someone like him and like a fool i am i keep getting tease more and more.

"Cut the crap already,let's go back" jungkook snapped and shove his phone back to his pocket and glared at us as if we ever did anything wrong to him.

"finally the great jungcock has spoken"i sassed out sarcastically and I felt his cold eyes pierce at me making me slip my mouth shut immediately.

My eyes landed on taehyung leaning on the door frame with a crossed arm and of course with that cocky smirk tugging on his lips since the jerk was enjoying the show.

"just the thought of spending another minute with you two here makes me want to puke,i fucking hate you" jungkook sneered out disgustingly.

"wow,thank you asshole i feel the same way"i said rolling my eyes.

"guys calm down you don't want to turned this place into a boxy rings"taehyung warned as he rolled his eyes.

"whatever"jungkook mumbled and went out but not before he make sure he bumped on taehyung on the door before going away which I rolled my eyes to while taehyung shrugged and ignored the male attitude towards him.

"Argh,i fucking hate that asshole"i huffed in annoyance glaring dagger at his figure as he disappear from my view.

"then what about me"I heard taehyung says and I turned back to him while he flash his contagious boxy grin at me which I decided to ignored by letting out a sigh to calm down my racing heart.

"Even more than jungkook"

"What that's supposed to mean"he says placing his hands on his chin trying to process my statement while I stared at him as if he was too dumb.

"Nothing let go"

Me and taehyung made our way downstairs and I rolled my eyes as I saw jungkook was already sitting with our fathers.

I quickly made my way to seat beside my father and ignored the two elderly male in the room I don't care the disapproving look they were giving me for not greeting them as I plopped down beside my father and face the two male who will soon be my fucking Husbands.

"So Let's talk about the kids wedding" Mr kim said suddenly and i feel myself shivered as I shuffled nervously in my seat and my deep gulp could be seen from miles away.

"Can't believe this is really happening"


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