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"i have a lover named Lisa,we grow up together because her father's work for my dad as a butler,we were so young when we started dating but that is how crazy we were for each other even when my mom commit suicide"jungkook paused,his lips quivering jimin quickly took his hand in his and give its a small squeeze while jungkook gave him a pained smile.

"my mother she was a beautiful and kind woman"jungkook smiled at the memory of his mother.

"but she always lost in thought sometimes she will stare at distance and look lost as if her soul left her body she rarely smiled and i never really paid attention to it,i only cared about my own happiness without knowing my mum is bleeding inside "he let out a pained laugh.

"and one day my daddy came to tell me that mum is going away and like a dumb boy i am,i quickly rushed to mom and saw her packing her stuff,i started crying begging her not to leave ignoring the desperate look on my mummy face begging me to let her go but choose to ignored it and she stay because of me,she always have and I later found out when she passed away that my father married her because he want children from her without any feelings attached so my father would abuse her,beat her yet she endured it all and stay because of me  even the day she give up and want to leave with me,i begged her to stay,i pushed her to die, it's all my fault am a disaster jimin"jungkook sobbed jimin quickly hug the broken boy his own tears falling freely.

But jungkook didn't want to end it yet he wanted to get it off his chest so he let jimin comfort him before continues

"and Lisa my girlfriend was the one who stood by me when am going through the hard time,i love her a lot because she resemble my mother in a lot of way,we decided to get married when i finished high school but his parents disagree because my dad was a mafia,they were afraid i will be like my father so for the first time i was so angry at my father job, it's never get to me before when they called me monster and feared me but with Lisa it made me so angry and because of it i made the biggest mistake of my life" jungkook said gulping thickly,his hand shaking slightly but still continue,

"so i tried to cut my ties with father by running away with her we were catch even before trying,my father's was so furious and killed her whole family which made her commiting suicide on her birthday"jungkook let out a pained sobbed clutching his heart.

jimin's eyes watered at how broken jungkook was,how he have to endured that horrible pain alone and how he never knew the older was going through such a hard time.

He felt so stupid at how he was always claiming the victim without knowing anything about the other two boys.

"so when you tell me you love me i was so scared,so scared of loving someone else jimin because i know i don't deserve happiness i don't deserve to be happy,i will end up getting you guys killed,am made to be broken"

"No jungkook you deserve to be happy all of this is not your fault"jimin hold jungkook as if his life depended on it,he too was sobbing with the fragile boy.

Jungkook felt another hands wrapped around his waist possessively.

"ta.e hy.ung"jimin and jungkook said in unison.

they take in the view of taehyung his eyes is puffy and his hair was messy.
he is been crying too they were too engrossed in their conversation without noticing their noise has woke taehyung.

"how much did you heard"jungkook asked worriedly his doe eyes staring nervously at taehyung.

"It's doesn't matter jungkook am sorry you have to passed through all that but know that am here now and i will never leave your side"

Jungkook wobbles his lips and let's a sob escape his lips again as taehyung attacks him,holding him so tight as if he was going to fade from his arms.

jimin quickly joined them wrapping his small finger around their waist."we will always stay with you"


that night jungkook realize all he need is his two husbands jimin and taehyung,that's all he will ever need in order to feel safe.

"then will you wait for me,i promised to come back to you"jungkook whispered to his two husbands.

Yes we promised you jungkook

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