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Jungkook lean on the kitchen counter a broke sigh leaving his mouth.

he just wants to love too just like any other normal people.

but why is it so hard

why did he have to be so different.

He was about to go after the younger when his phone rang he groaned annoyed at the bad timing.

he huffed before picking the call."hello,who is this"he asked irritated.

"hello am i speaking with jungkook" the voice said desperately while jungkook said he was."ok this is Kim namjoon am taehyung friend,he is very drunk right now can you come here please"jungkook angry face turn into a frown."is he alright i will come right away,send me the address"he said worriedly.

he quickly took his jacket and run off.

his apology for jimin can wait for now what matters right now is kim taehyung who have his.

other heart.

Jungkook moves to the heavily crowded place,women and men are dancing on poles stripping tenderly to the viewers who's hungrily giving them money which he found so disgusting,he found namjoon who  waves at him,he quickly rushed towards."where is tae",he shouted because of the noise."on the dance floor"namjoon shout back.

Jungkook move to the dance floor, many waitress,waiters and half naked people keep approaching him, caressing his chest or arm but he only shoved his way past them to look for taehyung.

that is untill he saw someone grinding on taehyung on the dance floor,he quickly stomp to the place and yanked taehyung away and glare at the man.

"what the hell"the man yelled at him

Jungkook ignored the man and turn to taehyung,"are you okay tae"he asked

"my husband is here"taehyung giggled clinging to the taller.

"you are married"the man asked in surprised.

"yes so fucked off"jungkook said giving him a hard stare the man scoffed at him and went away.

he quickly turn to giggly taehyung."let go home".

"But i don't want to"tae pout giving him a puppy eyes,the latter sigh stressfully before carry taehyung bridal style,he gave namjoon a nod before taking the whining taehyung with him out of the club.

"Wow,i can't believe he really came" namjoon mumbled in disbelief.

"but why is he not calling yet my shift is about to over"he said while looking at his phone.

he heard a tap on his shoulder and look back.

"Surprised"his boyfriend screamed

"Jin hyung,you didn't told me you were coming"he gaped face turning into a smile.

"It's because i miss my joonie,"he said and ruffles the younger hair."but i think i saw tae"

"yes he is with jungkook"

"What"jin gasped in surprised".you mean that jeon jungkook his husband"he asked receiving a nod from his boyfriend.

Jungkook sighed for the hundredth time at his husband who was busy shouting his lung out at every one he came across on the way out of the club at how handsome jungkook was and how they should stay away from him and Jimin because they are his only.

he let out a relief sigh when he finally put taehyung in the car,he was about to do his seat belt when taehyung suddenly placed his two hand on jungkook's face surprising the taller.

"wah how can you be so handsome" taehyung said a little galaxies scattering around his brown eyes as he stared at jungkook beautiful doe eyes.

a blush spread across jungkook's feature at taehyung blunt remark.

"Am not,let me"jungkook was cut off by taehyung lips on his.

Jungkook didn't respond to the kissed yet,he was too surprised that taehyung is kissing him right now.

taehyung bit down jungkook's lips causing him to gasp and suddenly he comes back to his sense and kissed taehyung back.

taehyung let go of jungkook's face and placed his hand on the latter's waist and jungkook slowly wrapped his arms on taehyung's neck pulling him closer.

their lips tangled with passion and need,drowning in the feeling of bliss, drowning in the feeling of each other.

their empty hearts slowly filled with warmth as their heartbeats echo with effortless feelings they haven't felt in a while.

they hold onto each other so desperately, their bodies shaking with all these emotions that they seemed to held back.jungkook groaned before pulling away from taehyung.

they stared at each other feelings the warmth and comfort they both feel from each other.

jungkook knew this comfort,this feelings,this emotions is something he can never run away from no matter how much he tried to.

and he was not going to run away from it anymore.

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