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"can't believe you didn't even tell me you were coming"Jimin pout."and how did you become our english teacher"he demanded looking at the elder suspicously.

taemin pinched his nose"sorry baby just want to give you the surprised"

Jimin slapped his hand away.

"ouch"taemin cried out dramatically and give the younger a fake glare while Jimin giggled and hugged the older tightly,he really missed his hyung so much.

"i miss you so much"jimin pout. taemin smiled and patted the younger on the back not bothering to break the hug because he too missed the younger so much.

"so i heard you are married,tell me about them"taemin smirked and Jimin turned a shade of red as he give his hyung a light punch on the shoulder,taemin chuckled at the old habits of the younger.

"yes,they are my bunny and teddy bear"Jimin frown at the thought of his two husbands.

"Aww my baby is all grown up"taemin cooed at him and started tickled him,jimin laughed begging his hyung to stop,he paused when he saw the two familiar male walking towards him.

Jungkook and taehyung face went blank when they noticed the guy taemin,his hands on Jimin's waist and they both were laughing with each other,suddenly the hall turned gloomy as the two walks to them with a dead glare on their faces.taehyung make sure he pulled jimin towards him before reaching out his hand.

"am taehyung and this is Jungkook,we are jimin husbands"he said coldly jimin scoffed at the statement and glared at the two.

"oh that's great but don't you think handshakes is too disrespectful for greeting an elder"taemin smiled enjoying the scene in front of him.

"sorry but we don't bow to strangers" Jungkook mused a smirk tugging on his lips,taemin chuckled at the younger rude behavior,he stretch out his hand and took the younger hands in handshake but stopped when he examined the younger fingers he quickly look back at taehyung's and his eyes widened when he saw the two have the same feature.

almost as if they have the same hand.

jungkook noticed this and quickly snatched his hand away from taemin grip.he smirk broadly when he look at taemin panicked expression.

"sorry we are busy"he says smugly and give taehyung a nod.

"am not going with you"jimin claimed stubbornly and run to stand beside taemin.

taehyung glared at him before staking towards him and grab him by the waist,a little shriek left Jimin's lip when he felt another hand grab his wrist stopping him from going to taehyung,he looked back at taemin his face is dark and he was glaring back at taehyung.

"let go of his hand"Jungkook growl, feeling his blood boil.

"he said he doesn't want to"taemin fired back,Jimin gulped the atmosphere in the room has completed change and a small crowd has already gathered whispering about them.

"hyung it's okay i will go with them" Jimin smiled,he doesn't want to get his hyung in trouble because of him.

"are you sure"he pressed while jimin nodded.

"Jimin if anything happens just called me"taemin stated worriedly.

Jimin smiled."those are my husbands hyung,they can never hurt me"

And taemin slowly let go of him.

"let go"he said through gritted teeth as he glared at his two husbands.he wave at his hyung before dissappear through the hallway.

"it's seem you don't know yet jimin but those are not what you think they are,those are not a bunny and teddy bear,they were more like a wolf and a tiger"taemin whispered.

"glad i came back to Korea"


The atmosphere in the car is heavy as they drove home in complete silence, the two sighed as they peek at jimin a frown on his face,he let it go letting them know he was pissed,extremely pissed.the two tried to make a conversation but he doesn't seem bothered by it,he was facing the window denying their existence.

he immediately jumped out when they arrive at their apartment,he picked up his pace to his room but a hand grab him by the wrist stopping him from moving further.

"don't you dare touch me"jimin yelled over them feeling his body vibrate in anger.

"Jimin we are very sorry"taehyung said in pleading tone.

"no you don't,you flirt with rose all the time and Jungkook being so lovey dovey with Lisa,you always do what you wanted but i can't do the same"jimin spat out,glaring at them

"jimin we are sorry we never meant to hurt you"Jungkook sigh walking towards him.

"kookie is something wrong"Lisa says as she walk in on them,staring at them suspiciously.

jimin glared at her.

"it's nothing noona are you preparing dinner"Jungkook says while she nod,a flicker of jealousy cross Jimin's feature as he watch Jungkook and Lisa smiling at each other.

"I'm making you and tae tae favorite when you finish make sure you come down to eat okay".

"sure noona"Taehyung beam at her.

Jimin stared at them in disbelief feeling a hot sting of tears begin to tears his face.

"it's all because of you,you ruined our relationship"jimin screamed making her to stop in her tracks and look back at Jimin guiltily.

"you certainly know we were married yet you are here"jimin snarl throwing as much hatred as he can toward her.

"Jimin stop it"Jungkook warned,Lisa avert her gaze to the ground tearing up.

"She is a whore Jungkook,a whore who ruined our relationship"

"don't you dare call her that" Jungkook says furiously feeling his blood boil.

"if i did will you beat me up for that slut---

Jungkook cut him off by reaching him with a few strides,his face pinned in anger.jimin gasp as he felt Jungkook hand securely wrap itself in the collar of his shirt,cutting roughly at his neck with the tightness.jimin stare up at him in fear.

"i fucking dare you to say that again" Jungkook spat and tightened his grip on his neck making jimin choke,a hot tears welled up his eyes.jungkook had hurt him over lisa.

"what the fuck Jungkook you are hurting him"Taehyung said in panicked,he stride to them and pushed Jungkook away from Jimin.

Jimin fall to his knees clutching his face with his hand as he try to catch his breath,the trembling of his hands intensify as he feel someone touch his cheeks.he flinch away from them.

"are you okay Jimin"tae asked concerned.

"i-i-i didn't mean to do that,i don't know why i did"jungkook says quietly taking a step forward.jimin slowly back off,gulping slightly as Jungkook walks closer.

jimin shakes his head and let out a pained sobbed.

"i can't do this anymore,am so tired of chasing you guys when you don't even feel the same way"he screamed at them as he harshly wipe his tears.

"so let divorce"

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