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"glad you are alive"jin sneered and crossed his arm.

"have been busy"taehyung beamed at his two hyung sitting across him.

"yes busy sucking dicks"Jin snickered earning a smacked on the shoulder from his boyfriend namjoon while taehyung rolled his eyes,he was dealing with the most sassiest human ever exist of course, taehyung saw it coming.

"so how are you"namjoon asked chuckling cutting the older off from blurting another snaky remark towards tae.

"Am fine really"taehyung stated receiving a nod from namjoon.

"Your husbands?"namjoon asked while taehyung furrowed his eyebrows in confusion."you guys seem to be in a good relationship seeing jungkook comes all the way to pick you up the other day"

Namjoon mentioned with a laugh.

taehyung smiled at the memories,it was the best day of his life,it's the first day they have their first kissed and it's was great.

they sure have a great relationship now and taehyung favorite things in the world right now are his bunny and chimmy.

"see i told you he been sucking dick" jin snickered a sly smirk tugging on his lips.

"even if it is how is that your business" taehyung scoffed in a low tone at his statement.

"oh really tell me is it big"jin asked with a michevious grin.

taehyung huffed in annoyance and glare at his hyung who look unfazed at all.

"so we called you here because of jin hyung birthday tomorrow"namjoon interrupted quickly comes to the rescue and tae gave him'a thank you'smile while the elder glare at his boyfriend.

"Oh that's great are you throwing party this year"taehyung cheered, clapping his hands in excitement.

"no tae as usual"namjoon chuckled and shake his head while taehyung pout.

he has always wanted jin to throw a party on his birthday so that he can invite as much as he want but the elder always say no.

taehyung sigh dissapointed,you can say he was bored as they always repeat the same thing every year

"But this year we are making exceptions"jin said softly and give him a warm smile while taehyung furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"it's means you can bring those pretty boys of yours"he leaned back on his seat and smiled softly at him.

"really i can really bring my friends this time"tae exclaimed excited and the two nodded in agreement while chuckling.

"i don't think they will come though especially that jungkook he is scary as hell"jin sneered and sip his tea.

"Bet"tae said and rolled his eyes

"Enough of that let have fun"namjoon added and the two giggled in excitement.

"Kook"jimin called while jungkook hum the two were cuddling up  together in a couch watching movie."I'm worried about tae"he sigh sadly if only taehyung would just tell them

If only he would tell them what's wrong they were ready to do anything for him to make him better even if it's meant for them to die for him they were ready to do it.

"ssh it's okay baby"jungkook  whispered as he bring him in a hug and leave a peck on his lip.

"Jungkook"jimin called bringing the attention of the older to look at him.

he hesitated a little and jungkook gives him a reassuring smile.

"what are we"he asked fiddling with his fingers while looking at his lap.

"are we dating"he said making the older grew silent.

jimin shuffle nervously at the older silent,he quickly make some distance from him.he was scared thinking he has offend the male.

jungkook noticed this and bring the smaller male in embrace cuddling up with him.

"i don't know jimin it's anything you want us to be"jungkook said and kissed his forehead.jungkook's words brought a smile onto jimin's face and hug the older deeply.

they heard the front door burst open revealing a giddy taehyung.

"hey bitches ready for jin birthday"

"what"they both screamed in unison and look at each other.

at jin apartment everywhere was decorate accordingly,he was not the type who do something like that but he just wants to makes it looks good for tae and his friends.

normally it's was his boyfriend namjoon and tae who always celebrate his birthday with him so this he just wants to try new things.

"do you think tae husbands will come?"namjoon asked his boyfriend as they were making sure everything goes smoothly.

"i don't know i hope they don't"jin sneered.

"are you still scared of jungkook remember that one time he almost hit you when you mistakenly spilled coffee on him"namjoon chuckled while jin gave him a death glare which made namjoon slip his mouth shut.

"but are you okay though,you hate crowded place"namjoon asked his boyfriend and kiss his hand softly.

"am fine it's just tae and his husbands anyway"jin smiled at his boyfriend.

"okay but please tell me if you start feeling uncomfortable okay"namjoon mentioned worriedly,jin chuckled and nodded hugging his boyfriend tightly. they heard sound of door bell ringing."I'll get it"jin said and leave a quick peck on his boyfriend cheeks and runs to the door.

he opened the door and his eyes widened in surprised at the door was taehyung and

his two fucking husbands.

"they really came"jin gasped in surprised.

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