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Jungkook pace back and forth the room with his body covered in sweat trying to calm down the hard little kookie in his pajamas begging to be freed.

He huffed for the tenth time biting his lips in frustration since it's been so long since he had this kind of erection and to think he get it because of Kim Taehyung is something he never see coming.

"calm down jungkook you didn't get hard because of kim Taehyung it just a normal things for guys sometimes right and beside am straight yeah just breath in and out and everything will be okay"

jungkook said while standing in front of the mirror in his room he close his eyes again sighing deeply and just then the image of Kim Taehyung came flashing back through his mind and he was naked on his fucking bed while he was pounding the fuck out of him while his sinful mouth moaning out his name.


Jungkook grunt resting his body against the big glass and put his hand on the hard erection and start stroking it as the image of the male flashes through his mind.

"Aah ah fuck Kim Taehyung"

jungkook jerks himself off moaning loudly at the image of Taehyung sucking the life out of his dick a beads of sweat dripping down from his face after a minute or two his big load came dripping out to his hand before he slowly slump to the floor probably disgusted with himself for picturing Kim Taehyung like that while jerking himself off.


"Ah mhm oppa ha.rder plea.se"the girl moan out loudly as she rides Taehyung hard dick pounding into her.

Taehyung flipped her over before sliding his dick back into the female making her scream loudly yet he couldn't feel more worse as the image of Jungkook forcing it way to his mind

He maybe a boy who fuck around but he was never sexually attracted to any of his partner but he just couldn't understand why Jungkook has to be  different and to the fact there's nothing between them and that they never had sex and they'll probably will not.

He was cut off on the train of his thoughts when the girl pull him back to her and smash their lips together making the male huffed in annoyance yet he complied anyway pounding on the girl the sound of skin slapping filled through the room and the room echoes with screamed and sex.

Jimin groaned annoyedly while tossing around his bed before sitting on the bed with face pinned in anger.

"Taehyung that bastard how can he fuck a girl in our matrimonial home"

Jimin said frustratedly sighing in deeply it not like they were in a real marriage anyways but still he couldn't help but to still feel he was being cheated on by Kim Taehyung and it sting his heart so bad.


Jimin clenched his teeth in frustration at the sound of the alarm buzzing off besides him he tries to block the sound by hulling a blanket on himself since he won't be able to go back to sleep again if he open his eyes but sadly the alarm is not stopping anytime soon.

Jimin sigh frustratedly before he finally peeled his eyes open and aggressively grab the poor machine on the nightstand and turned it off.

he just wants to sleep for a little longer was that so hard he didn't even get any sleep last night because of the jerk Kim Taehyung as he was about to drift back to sleep his eyes pause on the clock making him jumped out of the bed in horror.

"Shit I'm late for school"he let out a screamed and quickly went to the bathroom and did his morning  routine before running downstairs he saw jeon jungkook fully dressed while tying his shoes laces and Jimin snarl his expression change into discomfort

"you should have wake me up"he spit out throwing a glare at him.

"Why should i"jungkook muttered giving him a hard look.

"Really fighting early in the morning" tae scoffed coming out from his room fully dressed while carrying his backpack.

"Thanks to someone i woke up late this morning"jimin snort sarcastically glaring at him.

"Are we that loud"Taehyung beamed scratching his head making jimin rolled his eyes.

Taehyung glance toward jungkook, catching his attention and a blush crawling back to his cheeks when the memories of yesterday flashes back to him and how he fuck a girl imagine her as the male meanwhile Jungkook was also thinking the same as he look down to the ground in shame.

They were embarrassed at each other at the sinful thought they had about each other yesterday.

jimin snickered eyeing the two with an amusement spread across his feature.

"It cute seeing you two blushing like that"jimin said catching both of their attention giving them a knowing look.

"NO AM NOT!!!!

they both shout in unison and look back at each other in shock while jimin giggled mocking them.

and for the first time ever meeting jungkook he actually smile which the boys found as a miracle and of course which they found cute.

"let's go"Taehyung said softly beaming  at them.

"Sure"the two answered in unison.

Maybe being around each other was not so bad after all.


People were dominating the hallways as the boys spotted from distance the students start whispering and gossiping about them.

"They are here they are here"they could here one girls squeeled loudly at them.

"You look great together"another whisper yelled and jungkook snapped a glare at her making the girl squirrel away in fear.

He roll his eyes at jimin and Taehyung who were looking at the crowd with a big and annoying smile they surely love the attention.

after the news of their marriage they have been the talks of everywhere including their school which jungkook find so annoying.

it get worsened when they arrive in the class and their homeroom teacher came for the attendance and call them.

"Jeon jimin"

"Kim jungkook"

"Park Taehyung"

In that moment jungkook knew he fucked up.


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