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jimin and jungkook was so pissed off since it finally the day to sign their marriage contract their nightmare is finally going to come true and another reason for the two male frustration is Kim taehyung is no where to be found after they have wait for an hours and the latter is no where to be found.

After another hours of jeon Jungkook spitting out some curses with Jimin almost rip his hair off from irritation Mr Kim and taehyung finally arrived and blame their lateness on traffic which the two nearly snort out loudly at their obvious lying.

Yet the two couldn't help to scanned taehyung from head to toe since he look so hot and sexy just like a fucking model on the brown suit he put on.

Taehyung is someone you can called the epitome of beauty which has almost swept the two male away.

Jimin clear his throat forcing himself out from the trance of the taller male.

"Late as usual and you don't have to dress so much it's just a fake wedding anyways"jimin sneered out rolling his eyes.

"Come on don't you think i have to look good for my husbands"Taehyung answered seductive with a smug expression making Jimin scoff and rolled his eyes.

"you are not even that pretty it's obvious am more prettier"he sassed out pointing an accusing fingers at taehyung.

"So don't try to compete with me"he snort crossing his arms around his chest while the male laugh at his silly remark.

"Who say i am and are you sure you're more beautiful than me though"tae mused mimicking the male as he throw an arms around his chest with a wide smirk on his face.

"how about we ask jungkook"he completed pointing towards Jungkook who snapped his head up with a dead glare

"and why the fuck should i reply that"he spat giving them a hard look.

"Well you are the only one here who can judge duh"jimin snorted rolling his eyes.

Jungkook sigh in exaperation before brushing his hair back from his face just when he thought he is going to have some space they keep bugging him again and again so he just rise up to his feet and walk past them to the door ignoring their existence.

"If you don't tell us i'm going to post our wedding photos to the school board and I know you don't want to be the center of attention nobody like gossiping especially to a loner like you it must felt terrible"taehyung mused making jungkook froze as he fiercely turn back his piercing sharp eyes glaring at taehyung who look unfazed by his actions.

"what the fuck do you want have anyone ever tell you of personal space!!!!"

Jungkook yelled in rage startling Jimin who squirm in his seat feeling intimidate by the elders since he was so scary when he's pissed up but was more surprising for jimin is the fact taehyung didn't burge he was so calm while standing in front of the scary jeon jungkook while he was about to passed out from the tension in the room.

"It's not even hard to say"tae taunts that cocky smirk not fading his lips for a moment.

"Oh or are you shy"he exclaimed dramatically placing a hand on his mouth.

"Fuck no"jungkook shouts his face growing red while taehyung looking at him with a smug expression and jimin could tell he is enjoying teasing Jungkook so much as if that was even possible while jungkook want nothing more but to beat the shit out of the latter in this moment but yet he decided to hold it before letting out a defected sigh.

"ugh fine it is--------

He groaned loudly unable to form a sentence while taehyung gulp looking at him expectantly.

It was a surprised for jimin to see jungkook looking so defeated because of Kim taehyung.

he glance at taehyung and a shiver run down his spine at how dominant taehyung look like a 100% dom.

"Jimin snap out of it,of course you are the dom,i will not let Kim fucking taehyung take my place and I will make sure i get back at yoongi hyung for looking  down on me"jimin thought internally before letting out a creepy smile.

"Fuck i don't know go and check yourselfs in the mirror"jungkook admitted in total defeated while the mischievous taehyung is not satisfied yet with jungkook as he still decided to teased him more but a lady came in cutting them off and told them it's time for their ceremony which is relief for jungkook but sad for taehyung.

jungkook quickly leave with the female while jimin scooted closer to taehyung.

"How can you make jungkook so submissive to you and how do you know his weak points"jimin asked eyeing the male suspiciously.

"I have deal with people like jungkook before so it's nothing"

"What people?"Jimin asked his face contoured in confusion.

"Park jimin somethings are better left unsaid"Taehyung replied giving jimin a forced smile before rising to his feet and walks out of the room making the male let out a defeated sigh while pouting deeply.

for some reason jimin found it strange since he always found taehyung smiling even when he and jungkook was whining about their marriage and how unfair it is for them but Taehyung was different he was more cool with it and he was even trying to bring them together he was more mature and took the situation as if he was kind of expecting it.

but today something seem off about him he has a pained look and seem drained out which bother jimin a lot.

"Argh so annoying worrying about someone who didn't even care about you"jimin huffed gripping his hair in frustration.

he rises to his feet and kick an empty can before him and draws in a long deep breath a look of determination form on his face.

"Let just get this wedding over with"

He yelled and with that he walks out and slammed the door shut.

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