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"s.i.r ple.as.e do.n't ki.ll me"the man stuttered,he was tied up to a chair with blood dripping down from his face.

"if you tell me where the documents is i promised to set you free"Mr jeon grin evilly he was one of the notorious Mafia out there and they were in the jeon's basement.

"Ple.a.se i really don't know where Mr park keeps the documents,i swear please spare me"the man begged while sobbing.

"Oh really"Mr jeon came to the man level and grabbed his chin harshly."if you really don't know why should i keep you alive"with that he took the gun from the table and shot the man five times,blood splash everywhere.

"you are really making this hard for me park"he said while looking at the dead man.

"sir I just received a phone call,saying your son is going to the hospital,what should we do"one of the bodyguards asked looking at Mr jeon.

"Leave him"the man smirk and give the gun to his bodyguards."take care of the body,i have to go somewhere" he said and went out of the basement.

jungkook's lips wobbles slightly, seeing the motionless figure laying on the bed.the heart monitor continues to beep signaling life in the body but she look more dead than alive.

with a heavy heart, jungkook slowly walks toward the thin figure laying lifelessly on the bed.

Sitting on the bed beside her, hesitantly jungkook takes her hand in his,he wanted nothing more but to feel the warmth of her touch running through his hair or hear her saying his name,he miss her so much.


"Kookie see"she said opening her hand for jungkook to see.

"Huh a butterfly,noona are you a kid" jungkook said,while she glare at him. "butterfly are cute and they are independent they can fly wherever they want"she said with a frown while jungkook scooted her closer,a possessive arm around her waist.

"noona let get married"jungkook blurt out surprising her.

"what jungkook,are you crazy you are still a minor"she said sternly.

"ugh fine,i know you will say that,i just love you too much"jungkook pout and she hugged him tightly.

"i love you too but we have to wait" jungkook sigh sadly,while she kissed him and just like that jungkook pouting face turn into a smile.

"how about we wait after you graduate high school,then we can get married"

"Yay"jungkook sequeled while she giggled and sit on jungkook's lap kissing him deeply.

"I love you noona"jungkook said eyes filled with stars.

"i love you too my kookie"


"Lisa"jungkook whimper,tears beaming his face."I forgive you for taking your own life,am sorry for not knowing anything,am sorry for not giving the love you deserve,am sorry for not protecting you,so please just wake up already"jungkook sobbed uncontrollably,whimpering while caressing her face.

"when you wakes up i hope you won't hate me for the decision i make,i will do anything to see your smile again and i want to cuddling up to you again,i love you"he let out a sad sigh

She still didn't move as always but jungkook had hope.

Hope that maybe she would move or rise up and kissed him,hug him and say that she's alive.

He crawled into the bed with her and kissed her forehead with a sudden feeling of tiredness washed over him.

he closed his eyes and slept while cuddling with her.and the evening goes quickly.

jungkook phone buzz beside him waking him up.

"hello"he said voice hoarse,while rubbing his eyes sleepy,he has been sleeping for 3 hours.he look at the window and it's was dark outside.

"it's me"hoseok said in other line.

"Hyung what happened,why are you calling me now"jungkook yawn.

"your husband is here,they seem to be in trouble"

"What"jungkook jump down from the bed."which one"

"jimin or taehyung"



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