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taehyung sit in front of his father in the burial ceremony some of his school friends were present,the people put on all black and put incense on the dead man,they were shaking their head pitiful at his young son he left behind.jimin and jungkook slowly walk and sit with him on the floor.

"are you okay"jimin asked worriedly as he place a hand on taehyung's shoulder.

"yes am fine"taehyung beam at his two husbands of course he can't be more happier than this moment.

The man that have bring nothing more than pain to him had finally died he couldn't be more glad.

"you are Kim son right"Mr jeon said as he walked to them with Mr park and taemin behind his boss.

"you have passed through a lot"Mr park said as he stare at the younger sadly.

"i heard he was shot in the middle of the night,do you have any clue on who could have done that"

"am sorry i have no idea"taehyung replied and Mr jeon nodded.

"come on jeon how can you asked something like that to the poor boy"Mr park said,he glance back at taehyung and give him a smile.

taehyung smiled back at him for some reason he looks so much like jimin and he was happy at least one of them have a great dad or so he thought

if only he knew.

he sighed as he watched jungkook's eyes glue on his father with a dead glare.

"please take care of yourself"Mr park said,

he glance back at his son and jungkook"take care of your husband"he said to them,the two nod and bow to him when he walks away.

"don't worry kid i will make sure to find the murderer"Mr jeon reassured "cheer up kid"he said and pat the boy on the shoulder before walking away.

"hypocrite"jungkook mumbled and sneered.

"You're unnecessary rude kookie"jimin scoff and rolled his eyes.

"sorry for your lost"taemin whispered softly at tae and glance at jimin before followed his boss.

"I want to go home now"taehyung mentioned while the the two nod in agreement.

Mr park stopped and glance back at the trio as they leave the room"i want you to find out who kill kim "he said for some reasons something odd about those three

"yes sir"taemin said and bow to his boss.

"And start from those three"


"hyung am really fine you don't have to come"taehyung sighed for the nth times at the elder.

"Ok please take care of yourself"jin sighed softly on the other line before disconnecting the call.taehyung slowly let out a breath of relief making jungkook chuckled.

"Is that jin hyung"he says helping the latter making coffee while the male sit in front of him on the island.

"Yes,it's him"he sigh softly and brush his hair back."he worry too much,i clearly told him i was fine"taehyung tsk and jungkook slowly drop the coffee he was making and stared at him.

"are you really okay,i mean he was murdered,are you not curious who could have done that"

"is it weird if I say i was very happy about it"he said staring back to jungkook."am happy kook,very happy actually so don't ask anymore and i don't care about the killer what matters is that i have you two beside me and so is my freedom okay"he said while the taller slowly nodded and hand him his coffee.

taehyung slowly sip his coffee and smirk broadly when the memories of last night skimmed back to his head.

"yes it's better like this"he mumbled lowly.


"Let watch iron Man"jungkook squeel loudly.

"Shut up kook we have been watching iron Man since morning"jimin said and rolled his eyes,jungkook pout blinking his bambi eyes cutely at them.

"that won't work on us again" taehyung chuckled while jungkook crossed his arms with a frown,the two giggled and snuggled up to him resting their heads on his shoulder a smile popped on the taller's face immediately.

"can i asked something"jungkook said as he slowly turned to his two husbands.the two raised a brow at him.

"when did you two start having feeling for me,you know i was asshole at first"he asked making a smile crawl on jimin's and taehyung's face.

"i don't know i guess it's the first time i walk into jimin's room,you are very feisty at first and i found it cute so"taehyung said and chuckled at the memory while jungkook flashed his contagious bunny smile at him.

"and for jimin,it's when he cried for the first time in front of me and for some reason it's hurt me to see him crying and what really came to my mind that time was how to protect this small and tiny baby in front of me"he added looking back at jimin with a fond smile,the younger give him a fake glare but still giggled nevertheless.

jungkook frown at the memory he was the one that makes the younger cried.

"I'm sorry for hurting you that time"he whispered and look away from the younger with guilt,he never got the chance to apologize to the younger back then.

jimin slowly shakes his head and cupped the older face back to him and kissed him softly on the lips and smiled at him.

"I fall in love with you when you took my side in the cafeteria and tae when he take care of me because of my hand injury"he said smiling at his two husbands.

the two suddenly craned their neck to jungkook giving him a curious look.

"well I really have no idea,i just did"he said making his husband pout and slowly retract from him, jungkook quickly took their hands before they pulled away from him.

"i was not really affectionate person that why i have a hard time at first about my feelings for you and i tell myself if i became more harsh towards you maybe it will go away but you guys make it grow more by giving me so much love so i slowly give up and i don't regret a thing am happy you too came to my life,thank you"he said and place a kissed on both hands of his husband.

"silly how can you make me happy and teary at the same"

"i love you and tae a lot"

the two said and pulled the taller into a bone crushing hug making the taller wheeze they were interrupted by the sound of the door.jungkook quickly run to the door escaping from his two husband who pout at his action.he opened the door and meet with two unfamiliar people.

"Are you Mr jeon jungkook"the man said while jungkook nod.

"My name is woo young and this is jaebum"he pointed to the guy beside him who wave at the taller with a smile."we are from jungro police station"

"and what can I do for you"jungkook demanded raising his brow at them.

"we received a murder case yesterday and you seem so important to the deceased"he said while jungkook give them a questioning look.

"The deceased name is lalisa"woo young mentioned and jungkook froze.

Sorry for the late update.

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