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Jungkook's lips wobbled slightly, seeing the motionless figure laying on the bed,he slowly walks towards the thin figures,with a shakily hand he slowly remove the blanket use to cover the corpse.

Jungkook felt like air was punched out of his body as he saw his noona lying motionless on the bed with eyes closed hesitantly he takes her hand in his,he wanted nothing more but to feel the warmth of her touch running through his hair or hear her saying his name, jungkook had hope.hope that maybe she would move or rise up and say this was all a prank,that she was alive.but she didn't,she's gone forever and this make tears crawl down his face.he is so going to missed her so much.

"it's seem like she was tortured for about a week before she was finally killed"jaebum mentioned and jungkook hands tightened around her's in anger.

he slowly rise to his feet and glance at them.

"please make sure to find the murdered"he said with a blank expression and walks out while the two raise a questioning eyebrow at him.

he walks through the hallway and meet with his two husbands sitting on the bench in the hallway,jimin quickly give him a hug when he approached them and that calm him down a bit and relax into the younger touch inhaling his scent before he really gone insane.

"are you okay,please tell me you are"jimin asked concerned.jungkook slowly smile at them which they knew was forced.he peek over at taehyung who look at him worriedly.

"am sorry kook"taehyung said pulling him in a hug.

"Let's go home kookie"jimin whispered softly and took the older hand.

jungkook shakes his head and slowly remove his hands.

"I still have something to do,you too go home first i will join you"

"then we'll wait"jimin pressed staring at him desperately and Jungkook sigh.

"please take jimin home tae"he said looking at tae who nod and took jimin hand.

"please call us if anything happens okay"he said making the taller nod before following taehyung.

jungkook smile suddenly drop his sharp eyes turning icy cold.

"time for revenge"he says darkly.


At Mr jeon office,jungkook busted the door open revealing his father sitting on the chair with many piled files in front of him and two bodyguards beside him.

without a warning jungkook pulled out his gun and point it at his father.

"why did you have to kill Lisa"jungkook barked,his hand trembling in anger.

"you are here son"Mr jeon said calmly and sip his coffee.

"Shut up and tell me"jungkook snarl at him,his face held so much hatred as he glared at his father.

His Father's shrugged,he doesn't seem bothered by the younger action as he let out a laugh and tsk.

"And what made you think i killed her"he said his finger tangled together as he watched the confusions and the anger in the younger eyes.

"you are the only person who could do that"jungkook spat at him.

"no son,there are many people out there who are more evil than me and that's not how i killed people,that's not my style son,we both know that"he said smirking and jungkook slowly lower his gun.

"i could help you son because i know who killed your beloved girl"he said and grinned evilly.


"taemin please don't do this big boss will kill you if he finds out,it's like you are adding salt to the wound"Minho says calmly he stares at him pleadingly,his shoulders dropping and a sigh escaping his lips.

"I'm sorry but this is the only way to keep my boss safe,even if it's to make up a lie to protect him,i will gladly do so"taemin sigh,his words are tired as they leave his mouth.he draws in a long breath and runs a hand through his black hair making minho feels his blood boil at the way.

"shut up taemin you are not doing this for boss you are doing it for your own gained,you are so pathetic if you still believe boss will ever love you back even when you are about to frame his husbands for the murder he didn't commit,don't you think this is all wrong"he shout but flinched when taemin aggressively slammed him to the wall and angrily grab him by the neck.

"Shut the fuck up and you don't know a shit about me"he growl darkly making Minho shiver in fear and tear welling up his eyes immediately,he slowly avert his gaze to the ground.

"know your place Minho"he said before removing his hand from the younger and pulled away making the boy slide down to the floor.

"Just why,why did it have to be park jimin and not me"Minho screamed making taemin stop on his tracks and look back."i want you to love me too,is that so wrong"he mumbled sadly tears trickled down his face.

"I'm sorry minho,it's can never be you"he said and walk past him and slam the door shut.

"You are making a big mistake taemin you'll see"

Taemin reach home and he could hear some noise coming out behind the closed door of his apartment,the male waste no time in pulling out his gun and slowly opened the door and walked into the dark room,he slowly turned on the light and his widened at the familiar figure sitting on his couch with a crossed leg a smug expression on his face.

"pleased to see you again hyung"

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